The countdown to the Stalybridge Carnival is well and truly on now June has arrived.
Ian Cochrane, on behalf of the Stalybridge Festival Committee, said arrangements for the Stalybridge Carnival Weekend (Saturday, June 25 - Sunday, June 26) are well in hand.
The carnival parade itself starts at 1pm on the Sunday.
“We are so looking forward to the carnival returning after the disappointment of having to cancel the event for the last two years because of the Covid pandemic,” said Ian.
He added: “The bumper carnival weekend will include a family fun day in Armentieres Square on the Saturday before the carnival parade on the Sunday.
“The committee has received many pledges from local community groups, schools and businesses.
“As a local resident myself I never cease to be impressed by the number of people who come out on our streets to watch the parade and join in the festivities in Cheetham Park,” added Ian.
“The carnival is part of our local heritage and it is fantastic that the people of Stalybridge, and beyond, come out to support the carnival each year.”
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