Droylsden Academy Headteacher Phil Wilson says he is delighted that the hard work of students and staff has paid off as the school celebrates another strong set of GCSE results this year.
This was the first time since 2019 that students sat national examinations.
Mr Wilson said, “on behalf of the staff, our Governors and the Tame River Educational Trust, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2022 on their successes. The students have faced an incredibly challenging two years and we should not underestimate how hard it has been at times throughout the pandemic.
Our students have shown resilience, maturity, drive and determination and we are very, very proud of them. There have been some outstanding individual achievements and some incredible subject performances. The school is delighted for many of our less financially advantaged students who have performed exceptionally”.
Mr Wilson added, “as well as been an incredibly challenging time for students, the last few years have been difficult for parents and school staff. I would like to thank parents and carers for their unwavering help, support and encouragement and I would like to congratulate our staff for going the extra mile, particularly for all the additional teaching hours they have provided for students”.
Across the Academy, a record 71% of students secured the national benchmark of the BASICS (at least Grade 4 or above in both English and mathematics). Half of all students achieved strong BASICS passes (Grade 5 and above in both English and mathematics).
This year’s results show a continuing trend of exceptional performance in English with students performing well in both Literature and Language. Over 80% of students achieved a standard pass with two-thirds achieving a strong pass. In mathematics, 73% of students achieved a standard pass and 3 in every 5 students achieved the strong pass.
There were also very pleasing results in a wide range of subjects in the sciences, humanities, languages, arts, technology and sport. Many students achieved the top GCSE Grades of 8 and 9; this puts those students amongst the very highest performers in the country.
Mr Wilson went on to say, “the Class of 2022 were a fantastic cohort and we couldn’t be prouder of them. There was a palpable sense of teamwork with students and staff working together and fully believing in what can be achieved through hard work”.
Exceptional academic performance by individual students includes Sebastian Bainbridge-Coombs, Olivia Green, Khadijah Javed Bibi, Olivia Loftus, James Mellor, Diya Mistry, Han Yun Yu and Iqra Zaman. Each of these students achieved a string of the top grades across a range of subjects.
The school is also especially proud of a number of students including Nikola Brzozowska, Harry Ho, Malaika Iftikhar, Oluwatoyosi Junaid, Filip Ovcacik, Ewan Quinn and Esther Yeboah. These students made remarkable progress from their year 7 starting points.
As students arrived at school on results day to collect their envelopes, Mr Wilson said “it is so good to see our students again. Teachers celebrated with students and parents as the results were opened.
We wish the students well as they embark on the next stage of their education or training. We are delighted for our students and they should be very proud of their achievements.”
Mr Wilson finished by saying, “we remain relentless in our drive to ensure Droylsden Academy continues to build on the successes of recent years. Once again this year we have seen a significant increase in the number of applications for places in September and for the sixth year running our school is heavily oversubscribed with an extensive waiting list”.
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