Dukinfield’s Mason Arms pub has raised thousands for the Ashton-based mental health charity The Anthony Seddon Fund.
The pub staged a live music and a raffle which took place at the pub, helping organiser Mark Cottam to collect more than £4,500 for the charity.
Building up to the day, pub landlord and regulars also cycled to Blackpool and another regular Shaun Campbell shaved his head, raising £600.
Mark added: “From the time the lads did the bike ride to Blackpool, the fundraising has been a massive success, everyone young and old in the Mason Arms has contributed and so many local businesses contributed to raffle prizes.
“On the day of the charity event at the Masons, from start to finish, live music, great banter, singing and dancing, it was an incredible day. It makes me want to do another event next year.
“I just want to say thank you to all the riders, Shaun, local businesses and the staff for a fantastic two weeks.
“Without these people, none of this would have happened.”
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