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Easter egg drive in Tameside is a cracking success

Tameside has cracked it when it comes to collecting Easter eggs for the borough's homeless and vulnerable people, and children in care.

An appeal for donations by support groups Stronger Together Tameside and the We Shall Overcome network led to more than 2,000 chocolate eggs being dropped off at the Station Hotel and Town House in Ashton.

Stronger Together is an umbrella organisation led by Tameside Council - including Emmaus, Anew, Syrian Relief and others.

We Shall Overcome, chaired by community stalwart Pauline Town, provides food and other essential support.

The Easter eggs will be divided among children in care and temporary accommodation, refugees and asylum-seekers. Those in homeless-supported and emergency accommodation will also benefit along with older people living in sheltered schemes.

Cllr Janet Cooper, the Civic Mayor of Tameside, who was part of the operation, said: “Once again the residents of Tameside have come up trumps. Their kind-hearted donations will make a lot of children and other people very happy this Easter, bringing a little joy into their lives after a very difficult year.

“I would like to thank everyone involved, from Pauline Town, the members of Stronger Together and Tameside Council’s rough sleeper initiative, to Gary Walker and Ryan Buck from the council’s operations and neighbourhoods service who provided much-needed support by transporting the eggs to the central distribution point at the Denton Centre.

“We also had help from the transition support team who took eggs to Clarence Arcade in Ashton: Cassandra Hamblett-Johns, Amy Uttley, Stephen Jones and Neil Radford.”

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The Civic Mayor of Tameside, Cllr Janet Cooper (centre), with Cllr Bill Fairfoull and some of the donated Easter Eggs.

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