A team from Fairfield High School For Girls in Droylsden is in the final of a tech-for-good competition and needs your help.
Since November, hundreds of young people aged 11-16 from across the country have been creating and developing tech solutions to the big societal challenges of our time.
Forty finalist teams have been short-listed by an expert judging panel and are now working with industry mentors to build prototypes of their game-changing creations.
The girls from Fairfield have beaten hundreds of young people from across the UK to make it to the finals of the Amazon Longitude Explorer Prize with their entry Remember When, an app designed to help people with dementia, with customisable games that aid with memory retrieval, and reminders for important tasks.
Other teams innovations include:
• a device that generates electricity every time a door opens;
• robotic medicine dispensers for elderly people;
• plastic-eating worm farms;
• rainforest monitoring stations, and;
• an app that helps young women tackle period poverty.
The winning team of the Amazon Longitude Explore Prize People’s Choice Award will receive £5,000 for its school or youth group. The prize money can be used to help further develop the winning idea or for the school or youth group to invest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) and entrepreneurial resources - such as purchasing new equipment for science labs and technology workshops.
In addition to the People’s Choice Award vote, the teams will be submitting their final ideas and a business plan to the Amazon Longitude Explorer Prize judging panel in July, with the overall grand prize winners earning £20,000 for their school or youth group and three runner-up teams earning £5,000 each.
The online vote runs until Friday, July 2.
The public can find out all about the 40 finalist ideas on the Amazon Longitude Explorer Prize website and vote for their favourite in the online poll.
To vote, visit longitudeexplorer.challenges.org
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