Scores of former drivers, mechanics and fans turned out for the Veterans’ Stock Car Association 26th Annual Northern Stock Car Reunion last weekend.
They gathered at the Boarshurst Band Club in Greenfield to celebrate and reminisce about past races, and the sport they love amongst friends and former rivals.
It was a well attended meeting, with those who’d made the trip being treated to a spectacular drive down memory lane through a presentation of video and images by the Reporter’s very own Ray Liddy, from Mossley.
There was also a quiz, fundraising cards, memorabilia displays and a tombola, all which went down a treat with the gathered crowd.
The meetings have been known to attract drivers from as far north as Workington, and as far south as Stoke-on-Trent and last week proved to be no different.
It was organised by former Formula 1 Stock Car Driver Keith Thompson, who drove the number 33 car between 1966 and 1971.
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DRIVING DOWN MEMORY LANE: Stock car fans gathered for their annual reunion.