Today (Thursday) marks World Mental Health Day (WMHD), an annual campaign designed to raise awareness of mental health issues.
Recognised by the World Health Organisation, WMHD happens on October 10 every year in an effort to open up a dialogue for sufferers.
Each year the campaign has a different theme, with this year's being suicide prevention.
Deaths by suicide rose by 11.8% in the UK in 2018, with men being three times as likely to die by suicide than women.
As part of the campaign, the WFMH is asking schools, offices, companies and community groups to wear something yellow today in a bid to both raise funds and awareness. Participants are also asking people to use the hashtag #HelloYello.
On top of this, the international symbol for mental health awareness is a green ribbon.
One of the easiest to do is to wear a green ribbon, which you can buy here or share it online by searching 'green ribbon'.
Volunteering and donations to mental health charities will always be accepted, while simply opening up an honest conversation with people about mental health is great thing to do.
Meanwhile, youngsters in Hayfield have been hiding rocks to make people smile on World Mental Health Day.
The children from Hayfield Primary School have been decorating rocks with happy messages, rainbows and smiles which will be hidden around the village for residents to find.
There are also events happening across Derbyshire, organised by the county council, offering advice and support around mental wellbeing. Find out more here: https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/council/news-events/news-updates/news/events-and-support-on-offer-for-world-mental-health-day.aspx.
Local mental health charity Tameside, Oldham and Glossop MIND are out and about in the community today (Thursday). Find out more about what they're doing: https://www.togmind.org/news/wmhd-2019.
This is how you can get in touch with them too: https://www.togmind.org/contact-us.
Tameside charity Cancer Warriors are also supporting WMHD. They say cancer and mental health issues go hand in hand, with the rollercoaster of emotions hard for anyone to handle.
You can call them on 0161 338 5010 if you want to get in touch and speak to someone.
You can also call any of these numbers if you are struggling and want to talk.
Samaritans: 116 123
Childline: 0800 1111
Mind: 0300 123 3393
Calm: 0800 58 58 58
Childline hears from children who are struggling with their mental health every day. NSPCC say it's important that children feel they can reach out for help. If you're worried about a young person, contact NSPCC's helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc.org.uk.