Droylsden's Stefan Dean is stepping out in his latest character costume on 22 February with Hyde Fundraisers when he supports Defibs For Denton.
He's going to be looking for 'ghost' chillies in his new Ghostbuster costume. The past few months has seen him getting his backpack to a high screen accurate standard complete with lights and sound effects.
The Ghostbuster joins his growing army of characters that already includes the latest version of Batman, Captain America and his latest project that is ongoing, a Predator!
Stefan took his Ghostbuster along to Tameside Self Storage (a great supporter of Hyde Fundraisers) in Hyde last week for a trial run and found himself fighting off a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who!
You can grab a photo with the Ghostbuster and other characters at the Defibs For Denton charity night at the Indian Plaza in Audenshaw on 22 February.
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