Like many other local musical societies, Ashton Operatic Society are all set for their return to entertaining the public.
Their new show ‘Let’s Sing the Music and Dance’ will take to the stage in May.
After the pandemic this has been the first time members of the organisation have been able to come together in song and dance for over two years.
They have put together a varied collection of well-known and new musical songs and dances from musicals across the ages – Oklahoma to Dirty Dancing, while stopping off in France and the South Pacific.
The society was formed in 1898 and their first production was in 1899. They have produced a musical every year since with pauses during pandemics and world wars, but even then members were able to put on musical evenings to entertain the public.
ON SONG: Soloist Ann Burke.
Their last full production was the highly acclaimed 2018 production of Hello Dolly at the Coliseum in Oldham.
This year the revue will be staged at Hurst Community Centre, Ashton, on May 12-14, starting at 7.30pm.
The show is sure to be an entertaining evening for all!
Tickets can be ordered by ringing Andrea Parkin on 0161 652 3259 or by booking online at
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