A consultation has been launched to give residents their say on shaping the future of Hyde.
Following a successful bid as part of the British Property Federations Future Challenge Fund, Tameside Council are looking to kick-start their vision in creating a thriving town centre in Hyde. The council will be developing a master plan that will be the base from which to move forward in securing further investment and they are looking for your input.
Consultation will be open until Sunday, 29 March, and seeks both resident and visitor views around shopping, leisure, markets, housing and health provision locations.
Tameside Council’s executive leader, Cllr Brenda Warrington, said: “We are looking at ways to reinvigorate Hyde town centre and would value views, ideas and suggestions on what’s important to the Hyde community.
“We want our residents to be at the heart of our plans, making better use of the existing public assets while capitalising on new developments being built around the centre.
“We’re excited to develop fresh and innovative proposals that will be a solid foundation towards a sustainable, accessible and community service-rich centre that will really take Hyde forward into the 21st century.”
You can find out more and have your say online at tameside.gov.uk/hydeconsultation or visit the drop-in event on 14 March at Clarendon Square, Hyde, between 10am and 4pm.
If you would like the survey in any other format, please email anne.heath@tameside.gov.uk