An inspirational Ashton man with long-term health conditions has lost more than two stone in weight to protect himself against Covid-19 and help protect the NHS.
Mohammed Abbas, 63, who now weighs just over 11 stone (74kg), has cardiovascular disease-related illness, asthma and diabetes.
But since losing weight he has noticed his asthma and overall health has greatly improved.
He is sharing his story to help highlight the new NHS Better Health campaign, supported by Tameside Council and NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group, which forms part of the government’s new obesity strategy.
Before the pandemic lockdown he contacted Be Well Tameside for support in an effort to lose weight and increasing his physical activity.
During lockdown he engaged with them over the phone and managed to make lifestyle changes to increase his physical activity and improve his diet.
He has stayed motivated throughout and is now proving an inspiration to others in his community.
Mohammed said: “I feel great for having lost weight during lockdown. I have managed to achieve this mainly by eating regular meals, reducing food portions and cutting back on doubling up on carbs.
“Due to lockdown and government restrictions to not meet others from outside of my household, I’ve been walking in my garden each morning and evening, then again outside while socially distanced from others to keep active daily.”
He now manages to eat smaller portion sizes, including breakfast regularly, whilst drinking more water to meet his target weight of 70kg. He also likes to go for a sauna/steam at Active Ashton.
He continued: “My secret has been to eat less during this pandemic.”
Tameside Council’s Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Population Health, Cllr Eleanor Wills, said: “Well done to Mohammed for improving his diet and increasing his physical activity during lockdown to lose so much weight and inspire others.”
For support to lose weight to improve your lifestyle, you can contact Be Well Tameside on 0161 716 2000 or email bewelltameside@nhs.net