Historic sites throughout Tameside are gearing up to mark this year's Heritage Open Days now that Covid restrictions are steadily being lifted for venues again.
The annual September celebration of all things historical throughout the country was paused last year, but now museums, churches and historic buildings will be able to open their doors again next month.
Among them will be Fairfield Moravian Church, settlement and museum in Droylsden.
The location has been a popular attraction for films and TV series, including Great British Rail Journeys, Peaky Blinders and the more recent Mrs Lowry and Son.
Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the site and visit the various attractions, plus there will be guided tours every half hour between 1pm and 4pm on Sunday, September 12.
The site and the museum itself will be opened up for visitors between 1pm and 5pm.
Admission will be free and stalls and refreshments will be available.
All parking is available at Fairfield High School off Fairfield Avenue.
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