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Ian Cheeseman Talks

Every now and again something happens in life that reminds you what matters most.

Sometimes is a very personal experience like the loss of a loved one or an illness that makes you realise how great it is when you are healthy. On Saturday evening, those of us who were watching Euro2020 had a collective wake-up call as we watched Denmark play Finland. 

When Christian Eriksen dropped to the ground during the latter stages of the first half of that game, within seconds we all stood in silent shock. It was obvious that this was not an ordinary incident. The Danish players immediately formed a protective wall around their friend and some of them started to pray. As I watched with my family we wanted reassurance that he would be Ok but could see that CPR was being given so we started to fear the worst. 

A few minutes after Eriksen was carried off on a stretcher we started to hear that he was awake and then saw the first images of him sitting more upright with his eyes open. I burst into tears when this more positive news started to come through. The game resumed two hours later. It seems the show must go on, though if it had been my decision I’d have waited a couple of days before attempting to play the game. Thankfully Christian Eriksen, as I write this, appears to be making a full recovery. 

Having experienced those moments of high anxiety on Saturday evening the little disagreements we all have from time to time with our loved ones seemed irrelevant. It put life into perspective. 

Every Friday night on Tameside Radio I host an hour long sports show and this week we’ll be looking back on the first week of Euro2020, of course, but I’ve also been chatting to a Manchester City supporter about the ups and downs of her life. As a child she felt unloved and started taking drugs. Her life was full of turmoil and heartache and she didn’t know how to cope. She didn’t value herself and saw no way out of her situation, but then eight years ago she somehow found the strength to lift her self up, dust herself down and come out of the dark tunnel she was in. 

She built a new life, away from where she’d lived all her life and slowly got off the drugs that had been her escape. She’s been “clean” for eight years now and is desperately trying to build a career for herself as a health professional with the aim of helping and inspiring the people who are still stuck where she was. Her story inspired me to interview her in the hope that someone who listens might be touched in a way that helps them realise that everyone has value in this world and deserves respect. 

Christian Eriksen is a stranger to most of us. If he’d collapsed while sat in the stands watching that game on Saturday night we’d probably never have become aware of his battle for life but the fact that football fans had enjoyed watching him play in the Premier League for Spurs and the drama was played out live on TV, meant it impacted us more. 

I hope you’ll listen on Friday night to my guest tell her story and take the positives from it in the same way I took the positives from seeing a footballer come through Saturday’s drama still smiling. Whether it’s one person turning their life around or another surviving a heart attack, what we must all remember is how precious life is, that we should cherish every day and more than anything to be kind to people, whatever their circumstances in life. 

Don’t forget, Tameside Radio 103.6FM, every Friday from 7pm

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