In her latest column, Tameside Council leader Councillor Brenda Warrington discusses last week's Full Council meeting which was "held at a critical moment for the borough".
Last Tuesday we held one of the most important meetings on Tameside’s calendar, as the Full Council came together over Zoom to debate and decide on the Budget for the next financial year.
The meeting was held at a critical moment for the borough. More than 600 of our residents have been lost to coronavirus, and cost pressures from the pandemic exacerbated by a decade of austerity means that our budget gap has increased to £23 million.
It therefore gives me no pleasure to say that, when concrete action on fair funding is needed more than ever, the promise made by the government back in March last year that we would be given ‘whatever it takes’ has proven to be hollow words.
That means that we need to be honest with our residents about the financial challenges we face, and what it means for them and the services many depend upon.
As well as £9 million of cuts on top of our existing savings, increasing to £14 million next year, the Budget also mandates a council tax increase this year of 1.99 per cent and a three per cent increase in the adult social care precept.
This is a choice we did not want to make, but our budget gap as a result of coronavirus and the betrayal of fair funding promises means that we’re not the only council that have had to make it.
While we may not have much control over the financial decisions made by the government, we can make our own choices on investment and development within Tameside.
That’s why, the meeting also focused on how we’re beginning to build back fairer and greener.
Working closely with residents and partners, we’re finalising our Inclusive Growth Strategy for 2021-26.
This document will form the roadmap for our ambitions for Tameside, and includes key priorities such as the regeneration of our town centres and major investments in homes, businesses and infrastructure in Godley Green and Ashton Moss.
With this commitment to financial sustainability on one side, and inclusive growth on the other, I believe that we have produced a Budget that both manages the financial challenges we face, while simultaneously laying the foundations for a better future.
It is true that much has been lost over the past year.
But, if we come together with a new vision of what is possible I truly believe that there is much more that can be gained.
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