Ashton's Indian community has celebrated Diwali with a lantern creation and parade of their own.
The bad weather and pandemic have not halted the celebrations, which will continue on Saturday with a digital creation.
Shree Bharatiya Mandal (SBM) Indian Association of Tameside, based in Ashton, has participated in lantern making and storytelling workshops, which will feature as part of the programme on Saturday and can be viewed at www.digitaldiwali.co.uk
Manhar Taylor, Lead Diwali Steering Group of Tameside and a Trustee at SBM, said: “In previous years our lantern procession has started at Ashton Town Hall with a stage outside and attended by communities from across the borough. We were hoping that we would be able to hold the procession outside, unfortunately due to the extremely wet and windy weather conditions we decided to move it inside.
“This year we stayed at SBM and watched performances by Bhangra Size, then switched the lights off and paraded our lanterns around the hall which were created with Walk the Plank.”
Watch this space for news of plans for 2022, where next year it is hoped the traditional Diwali celebrations can return outdoors.
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