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MP Gwynne sides with veteran heroes

Denton MP Andrew Gwynne has given his support to a campaign which calls for the recognition of veterans of historic Nuclear Testing.

In December 2020, the UK government accepted the recommendation from the Advisory Military Sub-Committee not to award the UK Atomic veterans a medal in recognition for their service, claiming that they did not meet the Risk and Rigour needed.

LABRATS International are challenging the UK Prime Minister through their ‘Look Me in The Eye’ campaign to encourage the PM to meet with the Veterans and their families as since Atomic Testing started in 1952, no UK Prime Minister has ever met with them.

45 nuclear tests were carried out and the effects of the nuclear testing programmes on the service personnel and their families have been devastating.

These service personnel present at the tests have suffered death from unexplained pancreatic damage, numerous brain tumours and many were left sterile. As well as this, the families of the servicemen have been found to suffer with ten times the usual rates of birth defects.

The psychological defects of these testing programmes have also been immense, with both veterans and their families reporting suicides, marriage breakdowns, alcoholism and various mental health struggles.

Speaking on behalf of the support towards this programme, Labour MP Gwynne has said how ‘unacceptable’ it is that these families have slipped through the net.

“This is such an important and shocking campaign. It is completely unacceptable that these cold war heroes have been ignored by the Government and have been made to suffer the horrific consequences of nuclear testing for decades without any state support.

“This is why I am supporting the Look Me In The Eye campaign, to urge The Prime Minister to do the right thing and meet with the Nuclear Veteran Community and their families.

“The UK Government is the only Nuclear Superpower that has not formally recognised their Nuclear Veterans. This cannot go on; The Prime Minister needs to meet these forgotten heroes and give them the recognition and support that they deserve.”

For more information on the campaign and to find ways that you can show your support, visit the LABRATS website https://www.labrats.international/lookmeintheeye


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