A new estate of affordable 'family' homes will be built in Hyde after councillors gave the plans the green light.
Housing association Onward Homes has been given permission by Tameside council’s planning committee to build 27 houses on land to the rear of Porlock Avenue.
There would be 21 two bedroom houses, and six three bedroom properties.
All of them would be ‘100 per cent affordable’, and marketed for affordable rent.
There were three letters of objection lodged over the plans, with neighbours raising concern about the effects of overlooking from the new development.
However planning officer David Thompson said separation distances were considered to be acceptable.
A portion of land to the north of the site will be retained as an area of ‘enhanced’ public open space.
This would include a footpath that would connect to Hare Hill Road to the east, and the Godley Hill Site of Biological Importance to the north west of the site.
“The applicant has identified that area as both an opportunity for biodiversity enhancement but also be used as recreation open space,” Mr Thompson added.
“There’s a potential conflict there so we need some details about how that open space is to be managed.”
Access would be created from a new road linking to Hare Hill Road, and there would be 50 parking spaces included on the site.
Speaking on behalf of the applicant, agent Dave Smith said: “The site is a brownfield site that forms part of the Hattersley masterplan and will provide high quality residential accommodation.
“Dwellings have been orientated to positively engage with the large area of open space.
“The existing bridleway is to be widened and improved to encourage use of this important link.
“Our design ambition has always been to deliver a residential accommodation which positively responds to the character, scale and materiality of the area.
“We believe our proposals are a welcome addition improving housing choice for all.”
Mr Smith added that the application addressed an ‘urgent shortfall’ in the supply of high quality housing.
“This scheme provides local housing for local people within a popular community and residential estate,” he said.
Councillor Doreen Dickinson said: “You’re providing 100pc affordable homes which I absolutely agreed are desperately needed for people.”
The application was approved unanimously.
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