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New training available to 'change the mental health conversation'

A local charity has launched ground-breaking new mental health training for people and organisations across Greater Manchester to benefit from.

Changing the conversation around mental wellbeing and helping to remove the stigma can often be challenging.

So, Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind has rolled out their new Connect 5 mental wellbeing training in a bid to "create a ripple of change" both locally and regionally. 

It's in collaboration with the four other Mind branches across Greater Manchester, as well as providing a range of ongoing innovative help and support for all who sign up. 

Delivered live both online and face to face, Connect 5 is a workforce training programme, created to up skill non-mental health staff to better understand and successfully address mental health issues within their everyday practice.

The content provides an evidence-based collaborative prevention toolkit - that promotes psychological knowledge, understanding, awareness and the development of skills to empower people to take proactive steps to build resilience and look after themselves.

Connect 5 is an incremental three-session programme, escalating skills though each session. The programme underpins the principle of 'Making Every Contact Count' and supports the aim of making the best use of the skills and local contacts of frontline staff. Some staff will just undertake session 1, some session 1 & 2 whilst others go on to do all three sessions.

The training can be accessed by anyone who feels they would benefit from greater knowledge within their role to support others - from hairdressers, taxi drivers, community groups and managers, to landlords, support workers and volunteers.

Jenny Higson, CEO at TOG Mind, said: "Everyone should feel enthused, equipped and empowered to promote and maintain our own and others mental wellbeing. The Connect 5 training ensures we know what helps or hinders our mental wellbeing, it increases our knowledge and confidence in improving and maintaining our mental wellbeing and in simple terms, helps us know when we need help and where to get it." 

For those interested, there is also the option to become a training provider within your area.

TOG Mind is looking for people with local expertise who wish to explore this opportunity and sign up.

For workforces who do not work in health and social care, you can contact TOG Mind directly to see how they can support you.

Anyone interested in finding out more about Connect 5 training can view a four-minute trailer on the TOG Mind website at http://www.togmind.org/connect-5 and also pick a training session and sign up.

If you or someone you know would like to access the Connect 5 Mental Wellbeing Training or TOG Mind's various types of support and wellbeing opportunities, call their office on 0161 330 9223, visit https://www.togmind.org/home or head to the TOG Mind Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TamesideOldhamGlossopMind

Watch a short video about Connect 5 at the top of the page. 

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