In 1983, singer Frankie Vaughan received a rapturous welcome from an army of adoring fans at The Cheshire Cheese in Hyde.
A packed pub prepared to greet the legendary recording star known as Mr Moonlight who arrived in a Rolls Royce. When he walked in, they raised the roof.
The evening was to celebrate a successful year of fundraising by the pub’s landlord and landlady Jim and Val Cuthbert.
A total of £420 had been collected in a gallon whisky bottle which Frankie smashed open. The proceeds were used to buy a colour TV for the town’s Pensioners’ House at a one-off special price offered by Teletronics store on Market Street.
David Lane, a long-time friend of Frankie and a member of the successful ‘50s vocal group The Mudlarks, organised the celebration.
Among the fans who had turned out, Harry Fletcher of Bradley Green Road, Newton recalled he had met Frankie before on a visit to Hyde Lads Club several years previously.
Mrs Joan Pope of Weybourne Drive, Bredbury, had bought all his albums and had a large collection of autographed photos and posters.
“I just can’t believe I’ve actually spoken to him - he even kissed me on the cheek,” she said.
Frankie had close ties with the North West and had recorded a song about Stockport.
He said: “I have enjoyed coming to Hyde very much. The people are wonderful.”
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