An appeal goes out this week to all businesses, schools, groups and organisations to stock and sell the £1m Tameside and Glossop CT Scanner Appeal badges.
The distinctive badges are shaped like jigsaw pieces - the idea being that if everyone buys just one piece they will, ultimately, all come together to make the appeal achievable.
The badges can be purchased for a suggested donation of £2 - with all of the money going to the appeal.
The purchase of the new CT scanner for Tameside Hospital will help diagnose, treat and, in some instances, prevent illness and disease, including stroke and cancer among the 250,000 people that the hospital serves.
If you can help the appeal in any way by becoming a selling point for the badges, or by helping to raise funds, just contact Tameside Hospital Scanner Appeal Head of Fundraising Angie Wild - email angie.wild@tgh.nhs.uk.
Angie is dedicating two days a week to the appeal and will always reply to emails as soon as she can.
You can also donate online at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/tangscanner.