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Rev David Warner column: A welcome return to church

The Vicar of Mossley, Rev David Warner, tells us in his latest column what it was like to be back at church for public worship for the first time since lockdown.

Last Sunday I did something extraordinary - I went to church! 

OK, perhaps that doesn’t sound shocking. The really unusual thing was that other people came along too! 

After more than 100 days we were able to begin to worship again, and it was good to see people face to face who we’ve only seen on screens or via telephone for far too long. 

It’s another step on the journey, and a good milestone of some semblance of ‘normal’ returning. 

There are lots of precautions in place of course, but we did what we do, and that is enough for now.

When we went into lockdown all those months ago, maybe we all thought there would be great celebration at the end - what has happened has been so different in human experience that it doesn’t seem quite right - we need to go on looking after those who are isolated or vulnerable in our community, as well as supporting those who care for others (happy 72nd birthday again to the NHS!), and remember those who have sadly died during this time and the families they leave behind.

Like the reopening of the bars, restaurants and everything else, what has happened has been a muted return to something like normality. 

Hopefully, the journey will return us to the freedoms we had until recently, though hopefully we shall never take for granted the simple things: like a visit to have your hair cut!

Our churches continue to worship, and to serve our community through support for Mossley Foodbank, and any who need us. 

Baptisms, weddings and funerals in church are possible, though with only 30 people attending (this is a legal requirement for now). 

Our Sunday services for the time being are 9.30am at St John’s on Carrhill Road and 11am at St George’s. We look forward to welcoming you.

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