In his latest column, the Vicar of Mossley speaks of the importance of giving thanks to those who go above and beyond.
Sunday 4th July has been designated as #Thankyouday - an opportunity to say thank you to those key workers and others who’ve kept things going so smoothly for us all this past year - and though we probably all took them for granted before, we need to try not to again!
The past year has been a time for people to pull together and there have been so many stories of generosity and kindness at every level - the people looking after neighbours and friends, doing errands and going the extra mile to keep people safe, happy and healthy.
Though we hear news every day of difficult situations in our world, it’s the community level issues and kindness that can really affect our lives in powerful ways.
I’m privileged to work alongside some extraordinary people - teachers, local medical staff, charity staff and volunteers, emergency services workers, and so many more - each and all of us should be grateful for our shop workers, delivery drivers, postal staff and all who keep our lights and internet functioning.
As we continue to reopen our society, we will need to stick together and take all that we’ve learned forward.
In short, it’s good to say thank you - and it’s nice to be thanked for the little things each of us can do to make someone’s day easier, or to give them a renewed peace of mind.
So to each and all, from all of us: thank you.
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