Reverend David Warner, the Vicar of Mossley, is dedicating a feast to the birth of John the Baptist and speaks of how thankful he is for his work.
This Sunday we’ll be celebrating the feast of the Birth of John the Baptist, and particularly in our parish giving thanks for all who have, and who do worship at our church dedicated in his name.
John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus - his mother Elizabeth and Mary the mother of Jesus were related, and John lived a life which has become a model for Christians.
From the moment of his birth, he gave all his life to pointing other people to Jesus - because of his faith he was rewarded with the privilege of baptising Jesus (hence the title by which we know him) and in his death, shows us that those who were jealous of Jesus’ message of love would sadly often call his followers to pay the ultimate price.
As we thank God for those who built our church of John the Baptist in Roughtown, we give thanks for their foresight and vision, and we pray too for our school, Milton St John’s and for all who work and are educated there.
We’re excited for the opportunities of good times ahead, including for those couples planning weddings and baptisms with us.
John spent his life pointing to another and making sure others knew his message of love for every person.
That’s not a bad way to live, and we all have the opportunity to live our lives not for ourselves and our own selfishness, but for the good of others.
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