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Smoker with long-term conditions quits 40-year habit

A Tameside woman has quit her 20-a-day smoking habit, thanks to the support of Be Well Tameside's stop smoking team.

Joyce, 66, from Hurst Cross, has high blood pressure and suffers from depression and anxiety.

She tried to quit smoking in 2018 but did not succeed.

She’s sharing her story in support of No Smoking Day on Wednesday (10 March) to encourage others to put smoking behind them and become smokefree.

As part of Be Well Tameside’s COVID recall initiative, she asked for support to quit smoking again as it was affecting her health.

Joyce, who is retired, said: “I have been smoking for over 40 years and I’m finding it’s taking its toll on my health now. I struggle with breathing, walking and get a very wheezy chest at times.”

She was invited for an assessment over the phone and given all her options to consider and set goals to quit smoking.

She added: “I decided to quit again using nicotine replacement therapy. I discussed plans with Be Well Tameside’s adviser, Shayful Islam who encouraged and motivated me to find ways to deal with any setbacks I would experience and to learn how to cope with withdrawal symptoms.”

Telling friends she was stopping smoking helped to keep her on course and focused on quitting. After 40 years of smoking, she has now managed to quit for three months and is absolutely thrilled.

Joyce continued: “I have no intention of starting smoking again. I feel better in myself and my breathing has improved and I’m finding it easier to get around without a wheezy chest.

“I tell everybody about my journey to quitting smoking and I am dead chuffed because I am a non-smoker now.

“I want to thank everyone who has given me the support. I’m really proud as my GP has commended my achievement. I’m really positive about staying off smoking for the future.”

Quitting smoking doesn’t have to feel painful. Smokers who quit for six weeks or more are happier and experience less anxiety and depression than those who carry on smoking. 

Getting the right stop smoking aids and support can stop smokers feeling like they need a cigarette all the time. 

Councillor Eleanor Wills, Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Population Health, said: “Congratulations to Joyce for continuing her quit smoking journey.  It can’t have been easy for her but with the right support and determination anything is achievable. I’d urge anyone considering quitting smoking to follow Joyce’s example and discover all the support that’s available.”

Smokers are encouraged to search smokefree to find support to make a quit attempt. Visit www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/ or a local stop smoking service. 

People who live, work or have a GP in Tameside can use Be Well Tameside, which is part of Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. Call 0161 716 2000, email bewelltameside@nhs.net or head to @BeWellTameside on Facebook or Twitter, or bewell_tameside on Instagram, or visit https://www.penninecare.nhs.uk/bewelltameside

For pregnant women who are supported by the midwifery unit at Tameside Hospital, specialist support is available from the midwife-led stop smoking team. Call 0161 922 5989 Monday to Friday, text or phone 07342 079458, email tga-tr.tameside.maternity.stopsmoking@nhs.net, or visit https://www.gmhealthhub.org/smoking/smokingandpregnancy

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