Year 6 pupils at Stalyhill Junior School have held a pyjama day to raise money for families in the Asian state of Myanmar.
The children at the Hereford Way school have built close connections with the Agape school in Toungoo, Myanmar, exchanging letters and messages.
But when the pupils heard that many of the students’ families were unable to access food due to Covid travel restrictions there, they jumped at the chance to help.
By raising money, the children can help to buy food bags, costing just £3 each and containing rice, onion and oil – the staple ingredients needed to feed a family of three in Myanmar for 10 days.
The food bags will be distributed by the Diocese of Toungoo that runs the Agape school and teaches English to the students there, although the school is presently closed because of Myanmar’s national lockdown.
With more than 60 students in Stalyhill’s Year 6, they hope to make a real difference.
Mark Powell first connected the two classes in Myanmar and Tameside, having travelled and taught English in Toungoo several times.
Headteacher at Stalyhill, Sue Kitchen, then spoke to the children and they made the decision to donate.
“It breaks my heart that we’ve had to fundraise for kids in the UK this year, but the kids in Myanmar are looking for just staple foods,” said Mark.
He described the students’ fundraiser as an ‘amazing effort’ that he’s ‘so grateful’ for.