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Stalybridge Street Fest set to return this year

The popular Street Fest is set to continue in 2023, with six events set to take place between May and December.

The events will be funded from the £2 million UK Shared Prosperity Fund for Communities and Place granted to improve public realm and greenspaces and support cultural activities across the borough awarded to Tameside Council.

The extremely popular Stalybridge Street Fest has proved a fantastic addition to the Tameside events calendar.

Previously funded by the both the Council and the Government’s Welcome Back Funding it has been running since 2021.

The successful early evening event, taking place on the second Friday of the month has been offering great family entertainment, live music and a feast of hot food and drinks for everyone to enjoy.

As well as providing a fun event it has also brought great benefits to the local community and is supported by both, residents and businesses.

Cllr Vimal Choksi, Tameside Council’s executive member for towns and communities, said: “It is fantastic news that we can utilise the UKSPF Funding to continue to support the Street Fest events for 2023. They have been a great success to date and have really been welcomed by the local community bringing added vibrancy and local pride.

“Events like these bring about real economic benefits by generating additional footfall and making our town centres cultural hubs and supporting local businesses in line with the Council’s aims for inclusive growth in our towns across the borough.” 

Full details and dates of the Street Fest events will be confirmed soon. 

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