Stalybridge Women’s Institute roll out their newest campaign committed to caring for the local environment.
Over the next 12 months, the WI and Works4U will be creating planters from recycled materials and donating them to primary schools in Dukinfield and Stalybridge.
They’ll include soil, seeds and information for bee friendly planting to encourage children to connect with nature.
Valerie Clements, a member of the Stalybridge WI, added: “The idea for the ‘care for the environment’ project started because we thought we might have something to offer local primary schools, many of whom already have a green agenda, such as school gardens and open-air classrooms.
“Councillor Jan Jackson is a friend of the WI and she put us in touch with Works4U at the Peacock Centre on Ridge Hill. Works4U offer alternative educational provision for young people at risk of exclusion from mainstream education. The young people involved in the project will gain practical skills in woodworking and horticulture.”
The Stalybridge WI formed in 2010 and has always been concerned with climate change and the environment.
Every February, the members make, wear and display green hearts to raise awareness of climate change and send those hearts to their MPs to encourage them to think greener.
They also plan to take part in the Great Big Green Week in September, a nationwide event for climate and nature.
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