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Stalybridge's very own Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek

A father and daughter have lost an amazing 10st 11lbs between them to be named Stalybridge's Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek.

Sara Williams, who has lost 5st 9lbs, was voted as The New Labour Club in Stalybridge Slimming World group’s Miss Slinky 2020 and Kevin Williams, who has lost 5st 2lbs, was crowned the group’s Mr Sleek 2020 after their fellow members were wowed by their successes.

Slimming World’s annual Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek competitions recognise those members who have transformed themselves both inside and out by becoming healthier, happier, slimmer and more confident.

Both Sara and Kevin say they were thrilled to win their respective titles. 

Sara, 25, who has dropped from a clothes-size 26 to a size 18 says: “This year has had its ups and downs and although it’s been challenging to stay motivated at times, the constant support of my group and consultant – both in person and virtually when our group wasn’t able to open – has kept me going. 

“I never imagined coming this far, let alone winning the title of Miss Slinky, it makes this win feel extra special and I’m now looking forward to ending this year on a high – I’ve never felt better.”


Kevin, 50, who has lost 10 inches from his waist, added: “Being voted for by the other members of the group is really great because it’s thanks to them and their encouragement – and our consultant Cassandra – that we’ve stayed committed to losing weight, especially after what’s been a really tough year for all of us.” 

For many men, joining a slimming group is quite a nerve-wracking decision, yet Kevin says: “I can honestly say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made - Slimming World has changed my life for the better and will continue to be part of my life forever.”

The pair began following Slimming World’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan which means there is no need to follow a restrictive regime, or cut out food groups or embark on a very low calorie diet to see significant weight loss. 

Members are able to satisfy their appetite on healthy foods like pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meat, fish, fruit and vegetables and much much more. 

Slimmers are able to lose weight without ever going hungry and still enjoy treats without feeling deprived, so there’s no need to miss out on their favourite foods, as well as giving each and every member the full package of support to get active, change their mindset and form new healthy habits in the long term so they can manage their weight - whatever life throws at them.

Cassandra Bardsley, who runs The New Stalybridge Labour Club Slimming World group, which Sara and Kevin attend, says she’s extremely proud of both slimmers. 

She adds: “This time of the year is usually for getting dressed up and having a good time and while we won’t be able to celebrate in the same way this year, I know Sara and Kevin will feel completely different from previous years.

“They’ve both come so far since the first time they walked through my group doors and watching them transform into confident new people has been inspiring to see – they definitely live up to their new titles of Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek in my eyes. I have no doubt that they will continue to inspire other people to lose weight too and show that whether you’ve got a little or a lot of weight to lose – especially given the links between Covid-19 and obesity and the impact of lockdown has had on our weight.


“Sara and Kevin have shown that slimming down does not only improve your health, but can also make a big difference to how you feel about yourself and really boost your confidence. 

“They are both happier, healthier and fitter and every week the group loves hearing about their progress. 

“Sara has now incorporated exercise into her life too and has blown everyone away in the group by achieving her silver body magic award and Kevin is now a whizz in the kitchen so it’s great to find out what he’s been cooking up every week!”

To find out more about joining Cassandra’s group in Stalybridge get in contact with her on 07738 904028.

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THEN... AND NOW: Looking Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek are Sara Williams and her father Kevin who are celebrating their titles after losing more than 10st between them.

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