The Stalyhill community came together to fund and install a local defibrillator and now they’re encouraging other groups to do the same.
Elizabeth Hesketh led the defibrillator campaign, posting 300 leaflets through residents doors asking them to give £10 to save a life.
In just 3 weeks she raised £1400 for the life-saving equipment and a tamper proof box to keep it in.
Stalybridge Rotary Club helped the community to place and register the defibrillator. They’ll also use the leftover funds to perform regular maintenance.
Elizabeth added: “We’re very lucky that a local first responder has offered to train people for free in the use of the defibrillator and in CPR. 53 people have signed up for the training and those courses are due to start soon.
“Having the defibrillator is indispensable, so thank you to everyone who contributed and supported. Our nearest one before was 3 miles away in Stalybridge or 10 minutes in the car at Mottram.
“In my research, I found lots of defibrillators are actually kept at schools, but once they shut for the day, you can’t get at them. I want to encourage other communities to look at where their nearest defibrillator is and whether it's accessible.”
The Rotary Club has provided and assisted in the provision of ten automated external defibrillator machines in Stalybridge.
They said: “The aim of the rotary club is that all devices now be found outside, ensuring 24-hour access to the community.
“Any residents, community or neighbourhood watch scheme that requires assistance in providing defibrillator access locally may contact the Stalyhill Neighbourhood Watch Group or rotary club for information.”
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