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Stop smoking plea

People in Tameside and Glossop are being encouraged to quit smoking as one of their New Year's resolutions.

Tameside Council, in partnership with NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group, are backing Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership's 'exsmoker' campaign, which features former smokers from the local area sharing their experiences to inspire others to stop smoking.

In Tameside, there are around 476 smoking related deaths each year.

Stewart, from Tameside, said: "I quit for myself. I only managed by owning that decision. I’m not going back. I’m an ex-smoker." 

Cllr Eleanor Wills, Tameside Council Executive Member for health, said: "Stopping smoking will not only be of great benefit to your overall health and wellbeing but it will save you thousands of pounds.

"It is possible to stop – as many ex-smokers can testify – and there is a lot of support available for you to help you to quit." 

Although it can be hard, there are many ways people can successfully quit smoking. 

You can visit the YouCanGM.org website, that links to the GM Health Hub website, and ring the Greater Manchester Stop Smoking Helpline on 0300 123 1044. 

These can link smokers to:

  • Local face-to-face support and advice through specialist stop smoking services, pharmacies and their GP.
  • Stop smoking aids such as nicotine replacement therapies (like patches, gum and sprays), prescription stop-smoking medications, e-cigarettes/vapes and information on how to use these.
  • Ongoing expert advice and support via the Stop Smoking Helpline, with a trained adviser offering regular calls for up to twelve weeks.
  • Apps and digital support to help smokers quit and stay smokefree.

Be Well Tameside also offer support and advice for local people helping them to stop smoking. Call 0161 716 2000 or email bewelltameside@nhs.net.

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