Voters will go to the polls on Thursday 4 May to elect their representatives on Tameside Council. Here's your guide to candidates standing in Hyde, Longdendale and Mossley, who were asked to tell us what they aim to do for the area.
Hyde Godley
Betty Affleck (Labour)
It has been a privilege to work as your local councillor in and for a place I love and have lived in most of my life.
My priority as a member of the Hyde Task force is to work to identify new initiatives and ideas in support of the development of Hyde Town Centre to ensure it is attractive to live in and visit, encourages independent businesses and is economically and socially vibrant.
I am delighted to be a member of the team organising the popular Mela event again this August, I have worked with fellow councillors to renew the children’s play equipment in Hyde Park and have organised community clean ups and litter picks.
I know times are hard for many, fuel prices rising, the surge in the cost of living, and food banks struggling to keep up with demand, Godley’s Labour Team work in and with our community for your best outcomes and will continue to do so if elected.
Please give your three votes for Labour and Co-operative on 4 May.
Andrea Colbourne (Conservative)
It’s a huge honour to be standing for re-election in Hyde Godley.
It’s been an absolute pleasure to represent my community since you elected me as your Councillor last May.
We have achieved a lot together, but there is still more to do.
I’d love to get the opportunity to continue what I’ve started locally, and to continue to represent Godley residents alongside my Conservative ward candidates Melissa Molloy and Ali Reza on Tameside Council.
Our priorities for Hyde Godley –
• We continue to oppose the destruction of Godley Green and will carry on fighting to save our greenbelt this includes the new Matley Lane proposed development, I have put in my objections.
• We want to see cleaner and greener streets.
• Tackle empty buildings and regenerating our Town Centre – make sure buildings like Hyde Library are put to good use and not left to rot like our current Labour Council have done. We strongly support the regeneration of Hyde Town Centre
Voters have THREE votes, to select THREE Councillors for the ward. Vote for a team of Conservative councillors who will actively campaign for you and your family’s priorities.
Joe Kitchen (Labour)
My name is Joe Kitchen I am married with four children and five grandchildren. I’m delighted to have been re-selected as the Labour and Co-operative Party candidate alongside my colleagues, Betty Affleck and David McAllister.
If re-elected I will work alongside my colleagues, local businesses and local residents and community groups to make Hyde a better place to work and live in.
After 13 years of mismanagement by this Tory Government it has left local businesses and residents in the middle of a cost of living crisis with energy, mortgages and food prices going up by record amounts.
As chair of the newly formed Hyde Town Centre Delivery Group I will continue to work on The Hyde Town Centre Plan which will be going out for public consultation before the end of May.
Don’t forget government decisions do affect local services, businesses and residents. Please support myself and my colleagues with three votes for Labour and Co-operative on 4 May.
David McAllister (Labour)
My name is David McAllister and I have the honour to be standing along with my two colleagues in Godley as Labour & Co-operative candidates.
I have had the pleasure of living in Hyde for 23 years. It was in 2000 I that I moved down from Scotland and settled in Hyde with my wife and two children.
I have endeavoured to make myself a valuable and productive member of the community.
It was important to me to give back to such a welcoming neighbourhood. I have proudly worked for our NHS for over 20 years as a healthcare assistant. It is very rewarding working for our NHS because I get to meet and support so many different individuals.
I am also a Unison steward and branch secretary.
These roles have made me keenly aware of the troubling issues that people face on a daily basis.
I ask you please to give your three votes for Labour and Co-operative on 4 May so that all three of us can continue to support the residents of Godley.
Melissa Molloy (Conservative)
Hi, I am Melissa, I live locally with my husband and two young children. I am a Branch Manager of a DIY store.
My family use the local amenities like Hyde Park and our town centre and my children attend a local nursery and school. I have a real passion to ensure the place I live is protected for future generations and is a thriving and pleasant area.
If I am elected to be your Councillor, I would continue with the work I have started in the ward, reporting fly tipping, ensuring pot holes and road maintenance are actioned.
I would arrange regular litter picks and ensure to be approachable and available to deal with local issues.
In addition, I oppose Godley Green Development and would strongly support the regeneration of Hyde town centre and driving footfall back to our town.
Every single vote will count, use your three votes to create change in Hyde Godley, vote Melissa Molloy.
Zebedee Powell (Green)
I am standing in Hyde Godley to give residents the opportunity to add to the work of our established Green Councillor in Ashton.
The government has downgraded its guidance on local authorities’ housing targets from compulsion to take Green Belt for building to mere advice to do so. This has exposed government targets for national housing as being spurious guesswork.
As a Green councillor, I would challenge Tameside Council to abandon the Godley Green Garden Village in favour of more affordable developments on brownfield sites.
I would also fight for any land sequestered from Green Belt to be returned to Green Belt. This may disappoint housebuilders who like to build executive homes but would, in the long term, lead to more affordable homes for residents of Tameside.
In Green-led Lewes Council in West Sussex, they have built sustainable, affordable housing, using only local builders, and have worked with colleges to provide qualifications in retrofitting homes and maintaining ground source heat pumps.
Vote to support local businesses and conserve greenbelt.
Ali Reza (Conservative)
I am delighted and honoured to be your Conservative candidate for Hyde Godley.
I am a graduate working in education as a designated safeguarding lead for over 10 years. I am married with three sons and a daughter and live in Hyde.
As a community activist, I have been working closely with voluntary and statutory organisations to represent the local diverse community, to make our voice heard and improve community cohesion. I am trying to help with serving the wider community for over two decades as trustee of a local charity organisation.
It’s time for a change in Hyde Godley, our priority to you is to help protect our greenbelt, to keep our streets clean and green and listen to what is important to our residents for a brighter future for us and for the generations to follow.
You can make this happen by voting for three Conservatives in Hyde Godley.
Hyde Newton
Peter Ball-Foster (Liberal Democrat)
My family and I have lived in Newton for over 25 years and during that time we have witnessed a steady decline in services and amenities.
Whether it’s social care, road repairs, anti-social behaviour or social housing to name just a few issues, Newton always feels forgotten.
Like so many, I am tired of broken Labour promises. How many more chances do they need before things start to change!
That’s why I’m standing and why I’m asking for your vote and, if successful, why I will always put Newton first.
Helen Bowden (Labour)
I am driven by a desire to help my community, be it as a member of The Royal British Legion, a member of Bennett Street Youth Centre, a volunteer at Hyde Festival Theatre and as an organiser of a women’s group in Newton and I work closely with the Mental Health groups based in newton.
My real passion is supporting people with mental health issues.
My work as a support worker for those struggling with their mental health has given me a huge amount of insight into how mental health and poverty are linked and I bring this insight to all that I do as a councillor to support those struggling in our community.
As a lifelong resident of Newton, I am proud that I have been able to serve my community as Councillor since 2007 and I hope that you will allow myself and my two colleagues to continue to serve you as residents by giving your three votes for Labour and Co-operative on 4 May.
Emma Powell (Green)
I am standing in Hyde Newton to give residents the opportunity to add to the work of our established Green Councillor in Ashton.
As a Green Councillor I would work to progress Tameside’s Climate Change and Environment Strategy. There are still no defined actions or targets, despite an already agreed Greater Manchester Environment Plan.
More Greens on the Council will strengthen our influence when challenging the huge Labour majority.
I fully support Green Councillor Lee Huntbach’s attempt to cut toxic pesticide use and swap grass verges for wildflowers. This would save money on the grounds maintenance costs as well as benefiting the environment. A win for the budget and a win for wildlife!
We know Conservatives can’t win in Newton so one of your three votes could add a vital second Green to effect change, where Conservative votes are wasted.
If you want Green, vote Green!
Peter Robinson (Labour)
I was honoured to be given the opportunity to represent the Labour and Co-operative Party again, it’s a privilege to be one of Newton’s three councillors.
Over the years I have campaigned successfully for our Sure Start facility, which unfortunately had its funding removed by this government, for the rebuilding of both Hyde High and Flowery Field Schools, and to keep the Bennett Street Youth Club open. All this with our budget being cut year on year.
As ward councillors we currently support around twenty local groups from community gardens through to music.
I am the co-chair of Sandwich Angels, a charity based in Newton which helps families in need, and I know many of you help with food donations, for which we all thank you. I will always do my utmost to help our constituents.
Please support myself and my two colleagues with three votes for Labour and Co-operative on 4 May.
Hugh Roderick (Labour)
The year since I was elected to represent Hyde Newton has been a fantastic experience and, as part of the Hyde Newton team, I am grateful to my ward colleagues, Cllrs Bowden and Robinson, who have provided invaluable support.
I am proud of the help I have been able to provide to residents and the work I have been able to do to help build a better future for Hyde. The potential for development of the Victoria Street changing rooms for a community led sports facility and the draft master plan for regeneration of Hyde offer glimpses of the great potential that we have in Newton and Hyde to build a thriving town.
I ask that you give your three votes for Labour and Co-operative on 4 May so that all three of us can continue supporting you and all residents and working for a brighter future for Newton.
Also standing:
Carl Edwards (Conservative)
Wendy Ince (Conservative)
Hyde Werneth
Shibley Alam (Labour)
I am proud to have been working in my community for over 10 years and to have been your Hyde Werneth Labour Councillor for the last four years.
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to have served local residents, working in all communities in the ward.
The diversity of Werneth is something that I think needs celebrating and I have brought my work at Diversity Matters and with faith groups, supporting the most deprived members of the community, my support of the WI and the Christmas Lights in Gee Cross, my work as a trustee of the Hyde War Memorial Trust and as a trustee of the Millennium Green Trust, to create and strengthen links between all residents of the ward.
I hope that you can continue to put your trust in me and use your three votes for Labour and Co-operative so that we can have a strong team that reflects the ward and brings experience and passion to deliver for Hyde Werneth.
Phil Chadwick (Conservative)
I have lived in Gee Cross and Hyde all my life and live on the Waverley Road/Cheetham Fold estate with my wife, two children, and our two dogs, with my son attending the local high school.
As a Councillor for five years, I have represented our residents campaigning against the destruction of our greenbelt at Apethorn Lane and Bowlacre.
In February, I attended the Places for Everyone hearing with the Planning Inspector in Manchester.
As a team we are active in our area, organising litter picks, holding joint Police surgeries, and reporting approximately 500 potholes for repair, we have been successful in getting Wych Fold resurfaced, which will take place later in the year. I am a community focused Councillor, helping residents and community groups across the ward.
We support Gee Cross Fete, as well as an impromptu marahall for the Well Dressing parade last year, after organisers were let down. We help local groups with Christmas activities in the village, from installing Christmas trees to being Father Christmas.
If re-elected as your Councillor for Hyde Werneth, I will continue to be a champion for our residents, and with Ruth and Paul we will be that strong local team that works hard for you all year round, not just at election time.
Alex Cooper (Green)
I have lived in Gee Cross for seven years working from home as a Software Developer.
I am standing to give the people of Hyde Werneth the opportunity to vote for a local Green candidate. Other parties have been slow to recognise the need for local action to address the multiple crises we face today which impact climate, environment, and the cost of living.
Green representation at all levels of politics is needed more now, than ever.
I will collaborate with local people to oppose the destruction of Green Belt, here, in neighbouring wards and throughout Tameside. The bulldozers must be stopped.
Tameside Council must recognise the urgent need to insulate homes to reduce energy usage. Homes will be more comfortable; bills will be lower and there will be less CO2 pumped into the atmosphere.
We must improve our public transport and the walking and cycling infrastructure. Everybody benefits from cheaper, more dependable, environmentally sustainable local transport.
Jim Fitzpatrick (Labour)
I am Jim Fitzpatrick standing as part of the Labour team in Hyde Werneth.
It is a great honour and a privilege to be chosen by the Labour Party to stand. I was first elected in Werneth in 1990 and again in 1994. I have served on the Council for over 30 years and I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role.
I did retire from my role as councillor last year, but feel the need to stand again as I see a Tory Government causing so many problems locally we need to give the message there is a different approach.
We have seen people making the choice of heating or eating. While the utilities have made record profits. The cost of living is the highest for 45 years. The pensioners triple lock has not been honoured, cutting the pay in real terms.
The NHS, after working all through Covid has been let down. For such caring individuals feeling the only way to get what they deserve is to go on strike, just shows how out of touch the millionaires running the Tory Party are.
It’s simple: “Can you afford to vote Tory?” Make it three votes for Labour.
Paul Molloy (Conservative)
It has been a great pleasure helping the residents over the last few years to resolve concerns and issues that you, the community would like addressing, many of these issues have arisen from poor council maintenance and neglect of many basic services.
I strongly believe at this time we have an exciting opportunity to bring change and a vote for me will ensure that your Hyde Werneth Conservatives continue to hold the Labour Council to account.
Making the regeneration of Hyde town centre a priority by championing local businesses and encouraging national companies to return.
I will continue to help protect and campaign against the destruction of the Greenbelt, putting all resident’s first by prioritising local issues and dealing with them head on.
Ensuring that our local roads are improved tackling dangerous potholes and ensuring the maintenance and repair to all lights, grids and footways are highlighted.
On Thursday 4 May, I ask for your support and your vote to elect me to continue to champion your priorities.
Vote Paul Molloy and together we can continue to make Hyde Werneth a great place to live.
Muhammad Rahman (Labour)
I have lived in Hyde for 15 years and am raising my family here.
Through my work with Stockport NHS Foundation Trust as a council governor and with Hyde Bangladesh Welfare Association as an assistant secretary, I know the challenges that my community faces as one of the most deprived in the borough. I constantly engage with local organisations and charities ensuring that my community gets the support it needs.
It is my honour to be standing as a Labour and Co-operative candidate in the all-out elections on 4 May.
I want to represent those most in need of a voice in our community and make sure all communities of Werneth are heard.
If elected with my Labour and Co-operative colleagues, we will work hard together as a united team for a united Werneth and will be committed to putting the pride back into Hyde Werneth.
Please use your three votes for Labour!
Ruth Welsh (Conservative)
I am delighted to have been chosen to be one of the Conservative Party candidates in Hyde Werneth for this year’s local election, which will take place on Thursday 4 May.
I have represented the Werneth ward for 17 years in total, and it is a role I find as fulfilling and worthwhile now as I did back in 2004, when I was first elected to the seat.
Hyde Werneth is a great ward, full of community-minded people who care greatly for the area and make it such a good place to live and bring up a family. I am married with three children, two of whom go to the local high school.
Alongside my Conservative colleagues, I work tirelessly to represent the residents and to continue improving Werneth for the betterment of everyone.
I hope on Thursday 4 May myself, Phil and Paul are successful in this election so we can carry on working for you. Together, we will be that strong local team for Hyde Werneth that works for you all year round, not just at election time.
Doris Brierley (Green)
* no image supplied
My name is Doris Brierley, and I am standing again in Longdendale to give voters the chance to elect another Green Councillor alongside my colleague in Ashton.
His success as an established Councillor proves that we are electable in Tameside. Use one of your three votes this time, for me.
It is about time the Council better represented the wider public who are sick of the bickering between the two main parties. This is not what we pay our Council Tax for.
Longdendale suffers from poor public transport provision with bus services that are not fit for purpose.
The Green Party believes we should encourage alternatives to cars so that children, the elderly and disabled can travel safely and independently.
This would relieve congestion for those who rely on their cars. It would also reduce pollution, providing clean air to breath.
The proposed by-pass will not solve the problem of congestion, it merely moves it further up the road.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Gary Ferguson (Labour)
My name is Gary Ferguson and I am one of your Longdendale Labour candidates in the forthcoming local elections.
If I am elected, I look forward to working with my fellow councillors, and volunteer groups solving the many challenges that face our local community.
I have recently retired from business and I am now fully engaged in helping to deliver better and more effective services.
I regularly volunteer for the Bread and Butter group and I enjoy contributing and helping on local litter picks.
I have a keen interest in all local community projects, from campaigning for better public transport to the regeneration and development of Tameside’s town centres.
I believe it is important and a necessity that we deal effectively with all aspects of anti-social behaviour from tackling crime to dog fouling, to the scourge and blight of fly-tipping.
These are just some of the reasons why I want to become your local community councillor. You have three votes to cast, please use these for your three Labour candidates.
Jacqueline North (Labour)
Thank you again for electing me in 2021 for Labour to represent you using my long experience as a resident, work in local government elsewhere and volunteering with Citizens Advice.
Since then, my focus has been:
• Representing residents views and connections with the Council, Police, housing providers and schools
• Intervening where organisations fail individual residents or the wider community
• Acting on the Cost of Living Crisis with the Helping Hands Roadshow, a Pension Credit campaign and helping people get their entitlements.
• Supporting Community Groups with advice, small grants and hands on work
If elected again I will continue to build on these priorities whilst:
• Improving our green spaces and acting on derelict and flytipped land
• Bringing a greater focus on the future role and preservation of our villages
• Enabling Longdendale to capitalise on forthcoming investment in Hyde and Stalybridge.
Please vote both for me and my Labour colleagues in Longdendale!
Jacqueline Owen (Labour)
Over the last four years I have been actively involved in a variety of community projects, including supporting them to access funding.
During lockdown, I was heavily involved with setting up and running of the Longdendale Mutual Aid Group, and currently work with partners to assist people in managing the cost of living crisis.
I have been a member of the Children’s Services Scrutiny, Planning Panels & Deputy Chair of the Health & Adults Social Care Scrutiny Panel, a crucial role to monitor services and hold leaders to account.
If re-elected I will continue to fight for better public transport links; especially a bus service from Hollingworth to Hyde, improved education facilities and housing for the residents of Longdendale.
I will also continue to work towards improving the life chances of our children and young people, by engaging with them and services to develop their life skills and self-esteem.
Please use your three votes for Labour on 4 May.
Also standing:
Leslie Browning (Conservative)
Cameron Robertson (Conservative)
Dean Aylett (Independent)
I am Dean Aylett, your Independent candidate for the Mossley Ward, where I have lived for the past 32 years, I have been a Town Councillor for 16 years and welcome your continued support in the local May elections.
My Manifesto pledges are:
• Neighbourhood Plan - I have implemented the Plan so that every person in Mossley will have a say on how, what and when properties can be built or not built, this plan will place Mossley in a unique position within Tameside by being able to control its own destiny.
• Anti-Social Behaviour - Is a generational thing, Teddy Boys, Mods, Rockers, Punks and onwards to present days. Without activities and clubs to channel some of the energy it becomes a tipping point. I will continue to support the rich group of volunteers who work tirelessly in running community groups and events that helps to mitigate this behaviour.
• Police - Crime in Mossley is relatively low compared to other areas in Tameside, backed up by statistics, most of the crime is committed by proportionately very few people.
I will be encouraging the Police Force to engage and share Realtime information from other Government agencies whilst also encouraging them to engage in community discussions and forums to help to reduce crime levels further.
• Environment - Global warming and the Bio Diversity of our planet are ever present on our news feeds. By planting trees, we can help to reduce our carbon foot print whilst providing habitats to support wild life. This also softens the landscape and reduces flood risks. I will continue in my quest to plant thousands of trees in Mossley. This will be achieved by the continuation of my scheme of offering every Mossley school child an opportunity to plant a tree. This is compounded by the authority’s decision to target areas with hit squads sporadically cleaning the town. Although this strategy works in clearing the same amount of litter it results in the area being unkempt for a longer period due to the infrequency of the cleans. Mossley would now benefit from a permanent cleaning team and now is the time to look at the books and stats to address this.
• Roads and Pavements - By forming a Local Central Reporting Point with easy access to all residents. It would be possible to share this collective information with the local authority enabling us to work with them in identifying and rectifying the poor condition of our roads and pavements. MAKE A CHANGE. Vote Independent.
Dermot Gill (Green)
I am standing in Mossley to give residents the opportunity to add to the work of our established Green Party Councillor in Ashton.
I have worked hard to establish The Gillery as a popular local bar and venue, adding to the success of the town.
I’m a ‘Friend of Egmont Street Park’, I volunteer at the food bank and have supported the ‘Litter bug’s’ and ‘Friends of Brunswick dam’ over the years.
If elected, I would fully support our Green Councillor’s campaign to ban Council use of the Glyphosate pesticide and replace grass verges with wildflowers. This would be a win for Council budgets as well as biodiversity as grounds maintenance costs would decrease.
I would pursue affordable homes on brownfield sites, using local builders and sustainable standards.
In Green-led Lewes Councils, they have built sustainable, affordable housing, using only local builders, and have worked with colleges to provide qualifications in retrofitting homes and fitting and maintaining ground source heat pumps. Vote to support local businesses and conserve the greenbelt.
Andrew Hay (Conservative)
Hello, my name is Andrew Hay, I have been self employed most of my adult life and I have lived in Mossley for over 20 years.
Mossley has always been a special place with its industrial history and lovely countryside and green spaces. I have seen the large new developments take place and understand life changes and if managed correctly can be for the good of the community. I don’t believe we should be destroying our greenbelt and we must build on Brownfield sites first.
I am proud to be representing the Conservative party in the area that I live, as I believe the majority of residents of Mossley would like to see someone with the drive and passion for the area that they live.
Jack Homer (Labour)
I am a Mossley resident and live here with my partner and two children. I currently work for the NHS as a medical lab assistant in Manchester.
I have been a Tameside Councillor for Mossley since 2016 and a Mossley Parish Councillor since 2015.
During my time as a councillor, I have led the successful campaign to get a safety crossing at St George’s School, as well as being involved in the successful campaign to prevent houses being built on Brookfields.
With my Labour Party colleagues, I regularly speak to residents as part of our popular door knocking sessions, picking up issues and solving them.
With the rest of the Mossley Labour team, I hope to be re-elected to continue the hard work we are engaged in.
We have had great success working with the Labour led Mossley Parish Council and we hope we can continue doing this for the whole of Mossley. Please give your three votes for Labour on 4 May.
Stephen Homer (Labour)
I am Stephen Homer, a father of four, having lived in Mossley for 32 years, I run a local driving school business.
I have served Mossley as a Labour Councillor and Town Councillor since 2018.
I’m standing for re-election on May 4th, where I want to continue working with my fellow Mossley Tameside Councillors Taf and Jack, in being a strong voice for Mossley and its people.
We deal with issues affecting residents, both personally and for the whole town. We have successfully, along with residents, opposed inappropriate planning applications like Brookfields, Hanover St, Greaves St and others.
We have worked hard in attracting investment from businesses, including helping to make the changing rooms on Egmont St transform into a cafe with community space.
We have worked with our creative community to stage events like the Music in the Park and Christmas lights switch on.
We will continue to promote Mossley as a destination and the creative centre of the local area.
Please support myself and my colleagues with three votes for Labour on 4 May.
Taf Sharif (Labour)
I’m Taf and I’m a Councillor for the ward of Mossley. I was first elected 12 years ago, and have served Mossley for seven years, from 2016 to date.
I have developed a strong link with my constituents and have a track record of delivery on issues such as developments, investment, litter, ASB, schools/education and housing. I am hard working, determined and persevere to get the best outcome I can.
I relish on achieving things to a high standard. A few of my successes, alongside my ward colleagues and the Mossley community, have been fighting off aggressive planning developments including Brookfields, Hanover St, Greaves St, Stablefold, Woodend Mill, Stamford Rd and others.
I believe in affordable housing, supported by infrastructure, for Mossley.
If re-elected I will continue to fight for Mossley, and continue to uphold the values of the Labour Party of equality, fairness and justice.
Three votes for Labour.
Hattie Thomas (Women's Equality Party)
I’m extremely proud to be standing as a candidate for the Women’s Equality Party in my home town of Mossley. I’m standing both for Tameside Council (in Mossley ward) and for Mossley Parish Council (in Cheshire ward).
I’m a single parent who works full time as a teacher and, like many families in Mossley, I have to juggle work and childcare with my finances. My mum is a great help but I know that’s just not possible for everyone.
The gender pay gap has increased since COVID with women still taking on the bulk of caring responsibilities. This not only affects our opportunities and income whilst in work but also our pensions in later life.
I will call for Tameside Council to invest in affordable childcare and high quality social care – this is the only way to deliver equality of opportunity for everyone in parenting, caregiving and the workplace.
I am really concerned that reports of domestic abuse have skyrocketed in Tameside and I want women and girls in Mossley to live their lives free from harassment or abuse both in our public spaces and in their own homes. I will campaign for Mossley’s new development plan to make tackling gender based violence a political and policing priority.
I will also demand that Tameside Council invests in local support services as well as education programmes to challenge and change the attitudes and behaviours which underpin this very worrying trend.
It’s an exciting time for Mossley and we can influence the neighbourhood plan to ensure developments work for everyone in our community, taking account of some of the concerns – such as subsidence, increased traffic, and speeding – as well as some of the opportunities.
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