North Tameside Scouts had their annual Cooking Competition at 2nd/1st Hurst Scouts HQ.
The teams had to cook a three course Chinese meal of their choice.
They had to plan a menu, do a shopping list then cook a meal.
The judges Jane Rogers and Wyn Fish had to check the menus and ingredients and the Scouts worked as a team throughout the competition.
Then it was the tasting of each dish with chopsticks and even the Mayor tasted a vegan chop suey roll.
Following the totting up of the points the winning team from 6th Ashton Scout Group, Megan, Megan, Ethan and Harrison won the competition by just two points.
The Civic Mayor of Tameside Tafheen Sharif presented the winning team with their number one cooking certificates.
The Mayor said: "All your Chinese food was wonderful, you all did very well. It is good that your Scout Leaders are teaching you one of the skills of life, cooking, you will need when you get older."
Contact alan.fish@ntscouts.org.uk 07931765120 to find your nearest Scout Group.