Members of Hyde 24 Prince's Trust team have painted Ridgehill Baptist Church in Stalybridge as part of a community project.
The team consists of 12 young people aged from 16-25 years of age and they undertook the work as part of a 12 week Team Programme.
The group chose to carry out the project, feeling it was more needing of help due to the fact that many of the people who use the church are elderly and therefore unable to do it themselves.
The group also hoped to provide the group with a better social space for everyone who uses the centre.
To fund the project the team undertook bag-packing at the local ASDA in Hyde for a day and raised £454.47 which then helped to buy supplies for the project.
Members of the group sanded the walls, washed them with Sugar soap, painted with undercoat plus painted the ceiling.
The walls were painted with magnolia paint and the radiator covers and skirting boards were painted with a mushroom coloured paint.
Team member Joel said: “This was a really great experience and everyone enjoyed giving back to the community.”
Team Manager Emma Sercombe added: “It was great to see all of the young people working together and learning new skills. The users of the building really showed their appreciation at the handover event we held.”
The Prince’s Trust team operates at Hyde Fire Station.
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CONTRIBUTION: The Hyde 24 Princes Trust team also raised £100 for the church.