We round up the latest planning applications throughout the borough considered by Tameside Council planners...
Animal rescue
Planning permission for an environmental project in Denton is being sought.
The plans are for the ponds off Windsor Road Fields in Denton, and if successful would see the creation of a natural habitat with aviaries for animal rescue.
The plans comprise the enclosure of the field with wooden fencing and the construction of a track for vehicular access.
A temporary car park would also be created adjoining Field Pond with the construction of a 222m footpath around the pond.
A steel transport container is included for the storage of equipment and eight aviaries for animal rescue. Tameside Council planners are considering the proposals.
Funeral business in Ashton
Plans to change the use of a business to a funeral directors at 300 Oldham Road, Ashton, have been approved by Tameside Council.
The newly-built premises comprise offices to the front of the property with warehouse and distribution to the rear.
The building can now become a funeral directors with the rear used for garage / mortuary / storage.
Flats plan gets a 'yes'
Plans to change the use from retail to mixed use retail and residential at the Late Shop Food Store, 187-193 Kings Road, Ashton, have been approved by Tameside Council planners.
The plans involve a first floor extension, including an external staircase, to allow for the creation of four first floor self contained flats.
Homes approved
Tameside Council planners have approved the demolition of existing buildings and the building of eight new houses at Hill Street Works, Hill Street, Hyde, subject to conditions.
Jet wash is go
Plans to retain a jet wash machine, install a further two jet wash machines and create three jet wash bays at the Maynestone Filling Station on Manchester Road, Ashton, have been approved by Tameside Council planners.
The plans also involve the relocation of the existing A/W and VAC Machine.
'Yes' to bungalow
Plans to build a detached dormer bungalow at 2 Harbour Farm Road, Hyde, have been approved by Tameside Council planners.
Home refused
Proposals to build a detached dwelling house at 4 Heatherside, Stalybridge, have been refused by Tameside Council planners.
Officers stated the proposed new house would be detrimental to the character of the area and would not integrate sympathetically with the existing residential layout, plus be overbearing to a neighbouring property.
Plan on hold
A plan to demolish a three-storey building of six flats and build 13 new, affordable family houses at 1 Ilkeston Walk, Denton, previously submitted to Tameside Council planners for consideration, has been withdrawn.
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