The very best of Mossley will be showcased this weekend as the town celebrates 50 years of 'twinning' with Hem in France.
To mark the golden milestone, a packed programme of events and free workshops, entitled ‘Jubilee Jumelage’ is planned, including an all-day ‘Music in Mossley Park’ event on Saturday.
Artists from across the Channel have collaborated to celebrate the anniversary in film, poetry, drama, music and more with a significant delegation from Hem visiting for the weekend events - the first time the twinners have been able to reunite since Covid.
Olivia Peers, a member of Mossley Twinning Committee and from Born and Bred Dance Theatre in Mossley, said it was a chance to show off the town’s talents as well as promote the values of twinning and strong friendships that have been made over the decades.
“Mossley twinners haven’t been able to go over to Hem (and vice versa) for the past three years.
“So this will be the first time they have all been able to meet post-Covid, as well as being the 50th anniversary,” said Olivia.
The weekend has been nicknamed Jubilee Jumelage - Jumelage meaning twinning in French - and the events have been centred around the welcoming of the delegates of Hem.
On arrival, there will be a community showcase which will prove to be a chance for them to see all the community engagement projects that have been happening within Mossley.
Olivia’s company Born and Bred Dance Theatre have made a dance film with 25 dancers from Mossley and 25 dancers from Hem learning a dance phrase and performing it in their favourite place which has then been edited together into one big montage to be premièred tomorrow.
Mossley Writers have also put together some beautiful poetry and writers from Hem have been invited to submit poetry about their own local area. ReCreate Mossley have created crafts especially for the event and there will even be a hip hop workshop run by Ashiku Crisafulli for teenagers and young adults.
All this will be followed by a music evening at The Vale with Kyla Brox and Jon Mambo performing.
Then on Saturday, there will be a big event in Mossley Park with stalls and food vendors, and local bands and musicians playing, which goes on from noon to 10pm.
A Harvest Festival event on Sunday will draw the weekend to a close.
“This wonderful weekend of events will enable to people of Hem to see Mossley in its full glory and let our local residents showcase the area in which we live and are so proud of,” added Olivia.
For full details see the @jubileejumelage Facebook page and everyone is welcome along to any of the events taking part - Olivia stressing you don’t need to be from Mossley!
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