A handy calendar featuring bin collection dates is being distributed to every Tameside household.
The calendars cover two years’ worth of collection dates so that residents have a practical reminder of when to put each bin out in 2020 and 2021.
Tameside Council has teamed up with Recycle for Greater Manchester to produce the calendars, which will be put through letterboxes at more than 100,000 households over the next few weeks.
As well as informing residents of which coloured bin should be left out for collection on which date, there’s also useful information on what waste goes in each bin, details on how to sign-up to the free bin app to checks dates and report missed bins online, and contact information.
There are dates for 2020 on one side and 2021 on the other, so the A4-sized calendar can be stuck to fridges or noticeboards and then flipped over at the end of the year.
Cllr Allison Gwynne, Tameside Council Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “Residents have found the bin calendar useful in the past as a handy reminder that they can pin or stick in their kitchens to refer to if unsure as to which coloured bin is due for collection or what goes in each bin. And by covering two years the calendars will last up to 2022, saving waste as well as money on paper, printing and distributing.
“With environmental concerns more pressing than ever, it’s important that we correctly recycle as much of our waste as possible and these calendars will help our residents to do that. Working together we can increase recycling in Tameside, reducing waste, helping the planet and saving money.”
For more information on recycling, visit www.tameside.gov.uk/refuseandrecycling.