Here is your guide to all the candidates standing in the local elections in Tameside. We asked each candidate to tell us what they aim to do for the area and here is what they had to say...
Ashton Hurst
Phil Blakeney (Green)
If on 6th of May you re-elect a dominant party councillor in Tameside, you’ll make no difference to the services in Ashton Hurst.
Vote Green and you will elect someone who cares about the quality of life of all residents, within the framework of sustainable growth and environmental protection.
While caring passionately about the many serious, local challenges, Greens craft holistic policies on the big national and global issues such as climate change mitigation and pollution.
Greens keep a critical eye on the investments made by the Tameside MBC-run Greater Manchester Pension Fund. Our Green councillor has challenged fossil fuel investments which have gone on to lose many millions.
Local Greens have been clearing Tameside’s streets and lanes all year round, plus opposing building on greenbelt when there is much brownfield in our borough, running speeding campaigns and helping local schools.
I have a passion for school cohesion and ‘digital democracy’.
Aged 63, I’ve been a local telecommunications technologist school governor in the borough.
We already have a Green councillor in Waterloo and came close in Dukinfield, proving we can win here.
Want Green, then vote Green!
Dan Costello (Conservative)
As a local resident and a new dad, I am passionate about improving my local community. For too long our Labour councillors have let us down, ignored us and our wishes.
Whether it has been the loss of the green fields at the old Hartshead school, or the Labour council wanting full rent from market traders when they were forced to shut due to the pandemic, we have been let down time and time again.
But, whilst so many of us are struggling because of the pandemic, Labour shows their contempt by putting up our council tax bills yet again. What do we get in return? Our roads are full of potholes, our precious green spaces are concreted over, and our streets are grubby. And now Labour are slashing our bin collections.
With Tameside Labour it is always the same - more tax for fewer services.
Enough is enough! We need change, not more of the same. We need to invest in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, in cleaning our streets, and in supporting our town centre. Let’s cut councillors’ allowances and spend the money on services for you.
On May 6 vote to send a strong message to Labour that we want change – vote Conservative.
Leigh Drennan (Labour)
It has been an honour to represent the communities of Ashton Hurst for the last nine years.
Coronavirus has changed all of our lives, but my Labour colleagues and I have worked hard throughout the pandemic with Smallshaw Hurst Community Action and Ashton United in the Community to provide food and support to people across our ward.
We have helped host Covid compliant community events for local children, including giving donated Christmas presents to over 100 local children, some of whom came from families who were struggling with the financial effects of the pandemic.
I take great pride in our community and look forward to working with as many of you as possible as we rebuild and move on from the pandemic.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all NHS, frontline and key workers for keeping our country going, as well as our hard working community champions and volunteers who have stepped up to support others throughout this crisis. Can I also offer my deepest condolences to everyone that has lost a loved one.
Matthew Holgate (Liberal Democrat)
My name is Matt Holgate and I’m your local Liberal Democrat candidate. I’ve lived in Hurst since I was born, growing up on Glendon Crescent and later Brecon Crescent. I spent many a year pouring you all pints in both the Pegs Tavern and The Red House. This area is my home and I hold it in my heart.
If you vote for me, my top three priorities will be as follows: potholes in the area, neighbourhood safety, and flooding at the old Hartshead school site.
Tameside Council needs to change. A vote for me will be just that.
Ashton St Michaels
Matt Allen (Conservative)
Labour have not got a clue about what our town needs. They have spent the past few years running Ashton down.
First, they introduced the on-street parking scheme in the town centre that crippled local shops and businesses – just at the point when it should have been their busiest period. Then, during the coronavirus pandemic, whilst the market was forced to shut, the Labour council demanded the stall holders continue to pay rent.
No wonder Ashton is a shadow of its former self. The market is half empty on most days and the shutters are down on too many shops. We need a plan to bring back the shoppers and make Ashton bustling once more.
As your councillor, I would fight to bring in two hours free parking, stop the proliferation of so many takeaways, charity shops and pound stores, and bring pride back to our town.
I would also slash councillors’ allowances and spend the savings on things that will benefit the many, not just the few – on cleaning up our estates of rubbish and graffiti, and on tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.
On Thursday, May 6, vote Conservative, vote Matt Allen, vote for a strong voice for St Michael’s.
Jean Drennan (Labour)
I am honoured to have been selected as the Labour Party candidate for St Michael’s. I have already been working with your local Labour team and I would like to thank everybody for the warm welcome I have received.
I have lived in the Ashton-under-Lyne constituency for over 20 years with my husband and two sons. I have worked as a home carer for over 14 years and I also looked after my parents in their final years. I currently work in a children’s nursery.
The jobs I have held over the years, dealing with real people with real issues, have helped me connect with older and younger people and everyone in between.
This year has been strange in many ways and I want to pay tribute to all the key workers who have ensured that life has been as normal as possible as we have worked our way through the pandemic. I would also like to offer my deepest condolences with everyone that has lost a loved one.
Keith Whitehead (Green)
My name is Keith Whitehead and I have lived in Ashton for almost my entire life. I have been volunteering in the community since I retired six years ago. During the last 12 months I have been working as a community key worker, collecting shopping, prescriptions and more for vulnerable, shielding residents throughout Ashton.
I have campaigned against the sale of council green space, attend regular litter picks and, if elected, I intend to make the prosecution of fly-tippers a priority.
I am standing to give the people of St Michaels the opportunity to elect another Green councillor following the election of my Green Party colleague in Waterloo. We were second here in 2019 and we also finished a very close second in Dukinfield. We beat the Conservatives in a third of all contested seats across Tameside.
Labour and Conservatives can no longer claim that a Green vote is a wasted vote so if you want Green, vote Green on May 6.
It is time for change. Together we can make a difference.
Ashton St Peters
Warren Bray (Labour)
I am so proud to be standing as Labour’s candidate for St Peters ward. Local Government grew from the caring attitude of people and the wish to provide basic services available to all and give support when needed to the most vulnerable members of our community.
This pandemic has really brought out the best in the people of St Peters and some of the selfless acts that I have seen have truly warmed my heart. I would like to offer my sincere condolences to everyone that has lost a loved one.
I would also like to pay tribute to all of our key workers who have kept going on the frontline to make sure the country keeps on running.
The burden of the hardships caused by coronavirus should not fall on those least able to bear it.
Trevor Clarke (Green)
I again provide St Peters voters the opportunity to vote for change. Only the Green Party can be trusted to tackle the Climate Emergency and our pressing social problems.
Since electing a Green councillor, we have seen, close-up, the cosy set-up in the council chamber. Labour and Tories are both complicit in looking backwards, not facing the challenges of the future, and name-calling those who offer fresh ideas on carbon targets.
Green councillors would abolish the Cabinet system where a minority of Labour cabinet members control the agenda and others simply nod things through. Instead, a committee system requiring all councillors to work together would replace it, making decision-making more democratic.
This and other forward-looking policies outlined by Green candidates on this page keep the Green Party on the right side of history, where events have proven us to be the realists for more than 30 years.
We won in Ashton last time, came a close second in Dukinfield and beat the Conservatives in a third of contested seats.
Greens can win in Tameside. If you want Green, vote Green.
David Rose (Conservative)
In many ways Ashton is great - we have a great heritage, Portland Basin is a fantastic attraction and, in more normal times, the Ashton Moss development is swarming with people throughout the day.
But there are many things that need improving. The streets around St Peters are dirty and need cleaning, our town centre shops are struggling and there are so many potholes it is unbelievable.
If you elect me, I will work hard to help fix these problems. I will campaign to cut councillors’ allowances by 10 per cent and invest the savings in the things that matter to you – cleaning our streets, filling in the potholes and tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.
I will support our town centre through bringing in two hours’ free car parking to bring shoppers back to the market and shops.
For too long Labour has held St Peters back. On May 6 you can give St Peters the future it needs and deserves by voting for me, David Rose, your local Conservative candidate.
Christopher Tompson (Reform UK)
I’m not known for mincing my words or using power phrases, so I’ll get straight to the point. I have been ignored by the Labour Party on important issues that I value as a voter.
Many people I have spoken to have been ignored or blocked on social media because Labour does not like the questions that are being asked. I pledge never to block or ignore anyone in St Peter’s Ward.
I have lived here many years, raised from a child to a man with three small businesses. If you contact me about important issues, I pledge to listen and if I take on your issues, I will do my best to arrange a solution from speeding motorists on Turner Lane, Henrietta Street and Guide Lane to fly tipping on Wood Street. I care how we are treated by the main parties and that is why I am standing as a councillor. I voted against the congestion charge and I voted to leave the EU.
On May 6, please don’t lend me your vote, please give me your vote. I, Christopher Tompson, believe in the right to stand up and be heard. Thank you.
Ashton Waterloo
Karen Howarth-Hamilton (Conservative)
I have lived most of my life in Waterloo and have been involved in the local community – through running pubs, being involved with the local radio, planning events for local sports clubs and raising money for local charities.
As a mother and grandmother, I want to make our community the best place in which to live and raise a family.
Throughout the past few months, I have been speaking to local residents, listening to what changes you want to see. Whether it is tidying and cleaning the area up, improving job opportunities or protecting our precious green fields, the Labour councillors have no answers to your priorities. They are spending their time fighting with the Green Party candidate and have taken their eye off the ball.
Anyone who knows me, knows how hard I will work and determined I will be to make the changes needed in our community. Through fighting to introduce two hours free parking in our town centres, to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour by investing in CCTV cameras, I will work with anyone – of whatever political persuasion and none – to make Waterloo the best place. So, vote for me on May 6 for a better Waterloo.
Sangita Patel (Labour)
If elected, I will be so proud to become Ashton’s first ever female BAME councillor. I was born in Ashton and have lived here all my life. I have many family and friends who live in the Waterloo ward. My work within the Neighbourhood and Regeneration teams with local authorities has given me first-hand experience of the issues that affect us all including fly tipping, littering, unemployment, health and crime.
This past year has shown us the importance of looking after each other and I have been heartened by how the people of Waterloo have pulled together to make sure everyone is safe and well.
I want to thank all of our frontline workers for their tremendous efforts to keep the country running. The pandemic has affected us all in some way and I would like to offer my deepest condolences to anyone that has lost a loved one.
If elected, I promise that everything I do will be in the best interests of the people of Waterloo.
Lorraine Whitehead (Green)
I have lived in Waterloo ward for most of my life and have been extremely active for many years.
I am standing again in to give voters the chance to elect another Green councillor for Waterloo after our success last time.
Greens also finished a close second in Dukinfield and beat the Conservatives in a third of contested seats across Tameside.
During the pandemic I have run a Covid emergency support scheme, shopping, picking up prescriptions and running errands for vulnerable and shielding residents.
I organised a voucher scheme partnering struggling residents with local shops, so they have access to vouchers for food and other essentials.
I am the chairperson for the Friends of Waterloo and the Waterloo forum and a trustee for two amazing local charities and have organised many community events.
I volunteer for Anthony Seddon, working in their charity shop, at a stall on the market, as well as picking up charity bags to raise funds.
Greens are winning in Tameside. If you want Green, vote Green.
Tim Body (Green)
I am an ecologist by profession with a lifelong interest in British wildlife.
Through my work I study, and I conserve protected species and vulnerable habitats. In my spare time I volunteer for local bat and badger groups, carrying out surveys and caring for injured bats.
I am a keen litter picker and can often be seen out along the Ashton canal between Fairfield Road and Lumb Lane with my little boy, removing plastics and other litter for the benefit of people and wildlife.
I am passionate about green issues, in particular the urgency of the biodiversity and climate crisis.
I was proud to see our Green councillor elected in 2019 where we polled more votes than the Conservatives in a third of contested wards.
This proves we are electable across Tameside.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Danny Mather (Conservative)
Living in Audenshaw, I often see at first-hand how much more could be done to make our town better. When I talk to residents the message is clear - they want someone who will roll up their sleeves and get stuck in for our area.
I have a track record of working for our community - cleaning up grot spots, decorating the Christmas tree in the Memorial Gardens, planting flowers to brighten up our town, and much more. Our community is at the heart of everything I do, and that’s why I have pledged to donate 25 per cent of my councillor’s allowance back to local projects - projects chosen by Audenshaw people for the benefit of Audenshaw people. I want to see lollipop men and women reintroduced at all our local primary schools, not only making it safer for our children, but, as crossing patrols are the eyes and ears of the community, making it safer for everyone.
I’ve achieved a lot as a local resident but imagine what I could do as your local councillor. Labour are not interested in Audenshaw; they’re just interested in your vote. Let’s change things. Lend me your vote and I will work to make things better for us all.
Teresa Smith (Labour)
As a local teacher and your local councillor, I know how hard the last 12 months have been for us all.
Frankly, nobody wants these local elections during an international pandemic, but the Government have said they must go ahead.
It’s so important that you please use your voice, and vote Labour on Thursday 6th of May.
I love our area. I want Audenshaw to be the best place in Greater Manchester to live, work and raise a family. That means good schools, good services with a clean and green environment.
Despite 10 years of Tory cuts and despite all we’ve done in Audenshaw these past few years, there is still much to be done to improve our town. I will work with Andy Burnham to do more for our residents.
I support:
• Our repair of the Audenshaw Trough and protection of our heritage.
• More investment in our local parks, with cleaner and greener streets.
• Our long-term plan for Audenshaw’s roads – more potholes filled more quickly.
• Audenshaw getting the good public services we deserve.
Denton North East
John Bradley (Green)
I have lived in Tameside for most of my life and have always worked locally, within retail, transport and travel.
I decided to stand as a candidate to give the people of Denton North East the option to vote for a local, Green candidate. If you want Green, vote Green!
We have a Green councillor in Ashton and we polled more votes than the Conservatives in a third of seats, proving that we are electable.
I am frequently seen litter picking along with my children.
The Green Party prioritises striving for a cleaner, safer, greener and healthier place to live.
I appreciate the need to encourage safe alternatives to car travel by encouraging those who can, to walk, cycle and to travel using affordable, reliable public transport.
I support local campaigns to save Tameside’s green belt and oppose plans to replace fields with tarmac, increasing the risk of flooding, while brownfield sites decay.
Our green belt and other green spaces are essential for the health and well-being of people too.
Dawn Cobb (Conservative)
I have lived in Denton for over 40 years, and, like you, I am proud of living here and really care about our town.
I have watched the decline of our once thriving market town with sadness as the investment pours into Ashton. Despite two Denton councillors being members of the council’s cabinet, what do we see for it? There is just no evidence that Labour cares for Denton.
We need someone in our community who cares for our town and who will put the interests of Denton and its people first. Not someone who will just continue to put their party first.
Labour have ruled the roost in Tameside for more than 40 years. They have become complacent and ignore your interests.
By working together, I believe we can reverse Labour’s failures and make Denton a great place in which to live, work and bring up a family.
There is a difference between national and local politics - so if you want to see change in Denton then vote for me, your local Conservative candidate, in these elections. I will put your interests first and work for you.
Denise Ward (Labour)
My name is Denise Ward and I’m delighted to once again be standing for election for Labour in Denton North East.
It’s been an honour and a privilege to have been your councillor since 2009 and if I am re-elected on Thursday, May 6, I promise to continue to work hard for the people of Denton North East, together with my council colleagues Vincent Ricci and Allison Gwynne.
The last year has been one like no other, but we have still managed to deliver such a lot in our community.
A new Friends of Tame Valley group was set up which has the aim of protecting and improving our wonderful green space for generations to come. I really am incredibly proud to say I am the chair of this group and look forward to it going from strength to strength.
We have also seen the opening of the Wellness Centre in Denton. It really is more than a gym, it is a hub at the centre of our community where people can come together to stay healthy and stay in touch with one another.
Despite the challenges of the last year we have seen community spirit like no other in Denton North East, and I for one cannot wait to get out and about and catching up with all the residents, not least at our monthly lunch clubs at the Victoria Park Community Centre.
If you give me your vote on May 6 my pledge is that I will carry on always putting Denton North East first.
Denton South
Ben Hart (Green)
I have lived and worked in Tameside all my life. I’ve worked around Denton as a joiner and now run my own building business, prioritising local, private and small business clients. This allows me to limit the use of my van, reducing my environmental impact by cycling to jobs once my equipment and resources are in place.
I decided to stand as a candidate again, to give the people of Denton South the option to vote Green.
I support local campaigns to save Tameside’s green belt and oppose the plans in the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework to use it for housing and business development. I support the building of more affordable homes.
Our greenbelt and other green spaces are essential for the health and well-being of people and crucially, to prevent flooding.
We now have a Green councillor in Ashton and beat the Conservatives in a third of contested wards last time, which proves just how electable we are.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Timothy Cho (Conservative)
I was born in North Korea and spent many years homeless and begging for food after my parents escaped the brutal regime. I managed to escape twice, and was imprisoned and tortured on my journey to freedom. These experiences have made me appreciate living in a democratic society.
For too long the Labour councillors have talked a good talk on tackling poverty in Denton South, but they live the high life whilst local people have struggled with ever-increasing council tax bills. With their large allowances, they haven’t experienced the struggles that many local families do every day.
I want to give back to the country that has welcomed me and embraced me – that is why I am determined to be your local councillor. I want to help those who are less fortunate in Denton South – those who don’t have everything and who need support.
If you elect me, I will serve our community, listen to your concerns and work hard to make Haughton Green and Denton a great place to live, work and bring up a family. Only a vote for the Conservatives on May 6 is a vote for a brighter future for Tameside.
George Newton (Labour)
It has been a privilege to serve the community where I was born, raised and live.
Since being elected five years ago, nothing has tested our community quite like the coronavirus pandemic. Hundreds of local people have faced job insecurity, local families have depended on our community food bank, and many of us have lost loved ones to this terrible disease.
Our job as a community now is to build back better – and, if re-elected, that’s what I pledge to do. I’ll ensure local people can get the skills they need to get the work they want; I’ll support our local economy to make Denton South the best possible place to live, work and raise a family; and I’ll fight to protect and enhance our precious green spaces.
We haven’t just had the pandemic to face: our community has suffered from ten years of Tory cuts, disproportionately affecting the vulnerable; and we have seen police numbers drastically cut back: there are over 1,000 fewer bobbies on the beat now than when the Tories came to power.
Please put your faith in me on May 6: I’ll fight to get our fair share, to ensure we get value for our council tax and fight to protect the most vulnerable in our community.
Lesley Barbara Kaya (Reform UK)
Born in Denton I have two grown-up daughters and work as an Accounts Manager for a local engineering company. I have lived in Tameside all my life and want the best for our community.
Over the years, poor planning policies have destroyed Tameside’s town centres and now they are planning to destroy our greenbelt. A project to build 2,350 houses on Godley greenbelt must be stopped!
I believe we should regenerate our town centres into LIVING spaces, creating eco-friendly, affordable accommodation. Town centre living could create a thriving community with good local amenities using existing infrastructure networks. With the advent of online shopping, let’s embrace the change, utilise empty commercial units for domestic use and encourage a more diverse range of retail outlets for a better town centre shopping experience.
Masses of brownfield sites have been given over to supermarkets all competing for the same consumers. Such brownfield areas could have been used for housing or industrial developments, utilising existing land more efficiently and protecting our greenbelt and its biodiversity for future generations.
As we strive to reduce our carbon footprint, this would be an affordable way forward.
Reform UK, the alternative choice!
Denton West
Thomas Dunne (Conservative)
Last time when I stood as your Conservative candidate you told me that the state of the roads locally were the top of your priorities. I promised that I would fight for greater investment to fix the potholes and clean up our streets.
The Conservative government has created a £2.5 billion pothole fund. If I am elected, I will push for our fair share of this money for the roads of Denton. I will also fight to increase money spent on street cleaners, so the residential streets on the estates are also swept, not just the town centres.
That is what I believe you want from your local councillors – someone who listens to you and reacts to your needs. The local Labour councillors have done nothing to fix the potholes and clean up our streets. Instead, they have spent millions of pounds of your money on brand new offices for themselves in Ashton!
As your Conservative councillor I would listen to you and stand up for you. A vote for me on May 6 is to tell Labour to fix the potholes and to clean our streets.
George Jones (Labour)
I can’t believe it has been nearly a year and a half since I was first elected to represent my home community on Tameside Council!
The majority of my time so far as a councillor has been during the pandemic which has presented huge challenges and demands.
Our main priority throughout has been ensuring our most vulnerable residents are fully supported. As we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s important that we continue to look out for each other and keep that community spirit alive.
Despite the pandemic, I’m proud of what I’ve achieved so far, from supporting residents with casework to working with our brilliant community groups and organisations, I believe that collectively we have made our area a cleaner, greener and safer place to live.
I have much more I want to do to make this ward the best place to grow up in and the best place to grown old in.
I have always put Denton West at the heart of everything I do and I promise that, if re-elected, I will continue to do that. Denton West is my home, I would be honoured to continue to serve as councillor, please vote George Jones on May 6.
Jean Smee (Green)
My name is Jean Smee, and I am standing once more for Denton West. I have lived in the Tameside area for most of my life and brought up my family here.
As a teacher I have worked in schools across the area, including Denton.
Denton West End has a well-established tradition of community involvement and activism and if elected my aim would be to encourage more projects and to consolidate and to protect the existing ones.
It must be a priority to ensure that the council does not gradually withdraw any support they are giving in the guise of efficiency. In the pandemic we have realised the importance of the need to live in a supportive community with access to clean air and outside spaces.
Walking and cycling should be encouraged, and public transport organised to be available to all. The Green Party believes we must develop locally and sustainably and make our contribution to the whole of our planet. Vote Green for Denton West on May 6.
Droylsden East
Louise Axon (Green)
My name is Louise Axon and I am delighted to be standing in Droylsden East. Droylsden’s voters have the genuine option to elect another Green councillor as they did up the road, in Ashton Waterloo in the last local elections.
I am committed to a future for my two young boys and am determined to do all I can to ensure one.
I feel our council has done little towards achieving the aims of the Climate Emergency motion they passed over 12 months ago. Tameside was the last of the 10 Greater Manchester combined authorities to pass such a motion and has failed to follow it up with action.
I believe local business is crucial to the local economy and, if elected, will focus on supporting independent shops and small businesses which return profits to the community, rather than to rich shareholders.
Greens are winning in Tameside. If you want Green, vote Green.
David Mills (Labour)
My name is David Mills and it has been my privilege to be the local Labour councillor for Droylsden East since October 2017.
In these unprecedented times, we are going through now it has been especially humbling to work alongside such wonderful community groups in the ward along with individuals and organisations, all coming together for the greater good of all of friends and neighbours. Since I have been elected, I have always fought hard for the people of Droylsden and, if re-elected I will continue to make this the priority when making every decision I do. I will fight for a train station, better buses, more trees, improved outdoor spaces and better services for every resident.
I am proud to serve alongside our partner agencies as we work through problems in order for the people of Droylsden East to live a better and peaceful life. My biggest, and personal, achievement over the past 12 months is removing the planned large housing development from the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework. I will always fight for our Green spaces.
Matt Stevenson (Conservative)
I have stood before to be your councillor to bring the change we need to see in Droylsden.
I want to thank all those who have previously supported me - they have used their vote and continue to increase the Conservative vote share year after year, demonstrating that every vote does count.
Living in Droylsden all my life, I remember the variety of shops, the market and the town centre bustling with shoppers and hanging baskets of flowers. Unfortunately, today the reality is very different. The local Labour councillors have presided over a dramatic decline of our town – the market has gone and many of the shops have left town, only to be replaced by endless takeaways.
Being just a short Metrolink ride away from Manchester city centre, we have such great potential here in Droylsden. But Labour don’t have any ambition for our town. As your councillor, I would work to realise the great opportunities we have of making Droylsden a great place to work, live and raise a family once again.
I urge residents to go out and vote Conservative on May 6, so things can change for the better in our Droylsden.
Droylsden West
Ged Cooney (Labour)
I am so proud to be standing as the candidate for Droylsden West. I have had the privilege of being a ward councillor for 31 years and I’d be honoured if you would give me your vote so I can continue to serve the area I love.
The past year has been tough for all of us. We’ve had to adapt to new restrictions and miss out on time with our family and friends. I’m so heartened by the way the people of Droylsden West have pulled together to look after one another during the pandemic. It’s great to see community spirit is alive and kicking.
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to everyone that has lost a loved one. I also want to say a massive thank you to each and every one of our key workers. You’ve all been there on the frontline, carrying out your duties so that life can continue as normal for the rest of us.
Maurice Jackson (Reform UK)
Hi, thank you to everybody who voted for me in 2019. This time I have decided to stand for the Reform UK Party.
This is because I believe that it is the future opposition to the Conservatives as Labour is now unelectable due to their communist policies and electing out of touch leaders.
At the moment our council is dominated by Labour which we all recognise as unhealthy, having no opposition.
Only you the voters can change this and I would urge you to do so for the sake of your children’s and grandchildren’s futures. My view of Britain’s future is one where that now we are out of the EU, we invest in rebuilding the industries that we had to give up as a condition for joining the EU.
Voters in Droylsden West have asked me when I have been out leafleting what I will do for them if they vote for me.
The answer is I will represent their views, not the party line and also I will commit to realising a better deal for all Council Tax payers.
Thank you. Maurice Jackson.
Harrison Roden (Conservative)
I have always lived in Droylsden and I am passionate about our area. I want to represent our community to help undo the damage that decades of Labour neglect have done.
Whilst I may be younger than the other candidates, I bring lots of enthusiasm and fresh ideas to improve our town. Whether it is the people who live here or the great spaces we have, there is so much potential that Labour is wasting. It hurts me to see how much they have neglected Droylsden and its people over the years. They take your vote for granted and divert the money we need spending in our area to Ashton.
Millions of pounds have been spent on a new bus station – in Ashton. On new council offices – in Ashton. On a new market – in Ashton! What has Droylsden had in the same time? Our market has gone, many of the shops and businesses have moved away - and the Labour councillors just shrug their shoulders.
I’d like to see Droylsden jump back up and be the family-oriented place that it could be once more. Elect me on May 6 and I will fight to make that happen.
Annie Train (Green)
My name is Annie Train and I currently work for the NHS, following a career as a secondary school teacher.
I am standing again in Droylsden West to give voters the chance to elect another Green councillor, as they have in Ashton.
That success, along with the close second place in Dukinfield, has shown that Greens are electable in Tameside. We also beat off the Conservatives in a third of seats.
I’m passionate about environmental issues, animal welfare and care deeply about our community. We need to reduce fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour generally, addressing the causes and taking effective action where appropriate.
More activities for a range of young people should be encouraged to benefit Droylsden as a whole, encouraging residents’ involvement wherever possible.
I believe that local business should be supported encouraging a strong local economy.
There will be no politics on a dead planet, therefore, I will campaign for the urgent action required since our climate emergency pledge. Lip service is not enough.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Naila Sharif (Labour)
It is a privilege to stand for election in Dukinfield, the community where I and my family have called home for the last 50 years. I have two children who both go to local schools, so I know how important learning and education is to our children’s future. This is one of the reasons I am determined to make sure that Dukinfield schools are the best that they can be to give everyone in our town the best start in life.
During the day I work for the NHS, so I know first-hand the value of our public services and how damaging the Conservative cuts have been over the last 11 years. More than that, my NHS role has also taught me the importance of working within and amongst our diverse communities.
I have great pride in the town of Dukinfield, and with your help I want to make it the cleanest, greenest and safest place it can be to continue to make it a fantastic place for us all to live and get on.
I do hope I can count on your support and on May 6 and together we can make Dukinfield even better.
Lucille Turner (Conservative)
Over the past few years we have seen Dukinfield left behind as all the council money has been spent elsewhere in Tameside.
Whilst Hyde is promised a new swimming pool, we have lost ours! Denton has a new health and leisure facility, and Ashton has had a new indoor and outdoor market, new council offices, a new bus station, the Metrolink, new college buildings and the old swimming baths have been revamped.
What has Dukinfield seen for all this? Ever higher Council Tax bills – that’s what!
Our Labour councillors continue to let us down. They haven’t managed to bring any major investment to Dukinfield in all the years they have been elected. All they have done is vote to put our Council Tax bills up year after year.
If I am elected as your councillor, I will campaign for more investment for Dukinfield – to fix the potholes and to clean our streets. I will also vote to cut councillors’ allowances and invest the savings in services for you. But that can only happen if you vote Conservative in these elections.
Julie Wood (Green)
I work for a mental health charity and am active in my local church. I believe this breeds empathy and understanding.
Having stood here in Dukinfield for many years, coming close to winning last time, I am electable as well as resilient. I am delighted to be standing again to give people a realistic alternative to Labour.
It is crucial for democracy to have balance and diversity within the council. The Greens won in Ashton Waterloo last time and beat the Conservatives in a third of contested seats. We can provide that balance and diversity.
We all know the value of clean air. I support better public transport and safer walking and cycling to reduce our reliance on cars, cutting pollution and reducing congestion, for those that need to drive.
Green Party policy is to protect valued greenbelt for people, wildlife, to guard against climate change and alleviate flood risk. We promote affordable, sustainable housing, built for the benefit of people rather than developer profits.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Dawn Anthony (Green)
I am a mother of three grown children and a grandmother of two. Volunteering has been a large part of my life, both for local and global organisations. I am proud to stand as your Green Party candidate following our win in Ashton in 2019. We beat the Conservatives in a third of wards we contested, and finished a close second in Dukinfield ward, proving how electable we are around here.
As our knowledge of the issues that devastate our planet grows, like plastics, food waste, pollution, over-fishing and deforestation, the feeling of hopelessness can be overwhelming. We may ask ourselves what difference we can possibly make? However, small changes we do each day locally, really can make a difference globally. Using systems effectively that are already in place like our recycling bins and increasing our sustainability by encouraging buying in seasonal produce, creating less food waste and shopping locally.
However, we need more Greens elected to force action on big business too.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Leanne Feeley (Labour)
I would like to introduce myself as your Labour candidate. I have represented Dukinfield and Stalybridge for the past five years and lived in Stalybridge over 30 years. I am standing because I care about how we shape the future. Despite the on-going challenges, I believe we have to listen carefully to local residents to develop our local community and services. In my professional work, for over 30 years I have had the privilege of serving the public in various roles, including as a teacher, community development worker and more recently within the arts.
I have worked with many local groups and committees and am particularly proud of a number of achievements including:
• The first Special Education Needs Sixth Form at Cromwell School
• Delivering a high quality arts programme including:
• The Royal Exchange Theatre
• The Stalybridge Lantern Parade
• Holiday Activity and Food Funding Easter Programme
My commitment if elected;
• Support our schools through the many challenges ahead.
• More investment into Arts activity including Story Makers, expanding the digital offer and a modern libraries service adapting to change.
• More investment in our local parks with cleaner greener streets.
• I will continue to bring my values of fairness, positivity, compassion and enterprise to the role of councillor.
Kurt McPartland (Conservative)
As a local lad from Copley, I have lived in Stalybridge all my life. I grew up in a three-bed council house with seven other family members. I now live with my fiancé and we are expecting our first child later this year. I work two jobs to support my family - as a ground-worker, building roads and fixing potholes, and a singer in a boyband tribute act. I raise money for local charities, and recently held an online show to support local pubs affected by the lockdown restrictions.
When I could vote, I backed Labour because like many people in Tameside you think just because your parents may have voted Labour, you should too out of blind loyalty. But where has it got us? Labour have been running the council for over 40 years now and what do we have to show for it? We are one of the poorest boroughs in the country with high levels of poverty, poor health and education.
We are in desperate need of change. If you vote for me in May, I promise I will fight for investment in our town centres by bringing back Stalybridge Market Hall as a food hall. I’ll support our businesses and those wanting to create jobs in the area. I’ll bring in a community-led In Bloom scheme run by volunteers to brighten up our towns. And I’ll campaign to get more CCTV to tackle fly-tipping, graffiti and anti-social behaviour.
Hyde Godley
Sally Ashe (Liberal Democrat)
As a proud resident of Tameside, I am standing for the Liberal Democrats in Hyde Godley ward because I want to see Hyde flourishing again after the awful impact of Covid on all our lives and many of our local businesses.
Skills for young people and help for business start-ups will be top of my list. My professional background in health means I know just what an impact it has made on our NHS, and I will be a strong champion for better local medical services and social care, too.
Locally we should be building on brownfield sites to offer more affordable housing. My priorities are keeping our community clean and safe, with more attention to street cleaning and potholes, and make Hyde a greener and much more sustainable town.
Let’s work together and show the world just how wonderful Tameside is. As a community we can achieve anything.
Alex Cooper (Green)
Relative newcomers to Hyde, moving from Sheffield five years ago, myself and partner Annie feel incredibly lucky to have settled into a welcoming community surrounded by beautiful countryside.
In local politics, I believe that we need to listen to constituents, find solutions that are practical and that serve our common interests. The toxic clashes I see between the two main parties only serve to put people off. It does not have to be that way. It is possible to work together.
I joined Tameside Green Party to help promote a sustainable economy that balances the needs of local people while preserving and enhancing the natural environment. It is essential for our physical and mental well-being.
Since learning of the proposed Godley Green Garden Village, I have been determined to oppose it. This is, in fact, Green Party policy.
We have a Green councillor in Ashton, finished a close second in Dukinfield and we challenged the big parties in a third of seats, last time, proving that we are electable.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Joe Kitchen (Labour)
I am delighted to have been re-selected to be the Labour Party candidate for Hyde Godley ward in the local elections in May.
Over the last 12 months we have been through a pandemic that has affected our daily lives and taken some of our loved ones away from us. I would like to thank the NHS and all the key workers that have helped people. They have done an exceptional job in very difficult circumstances.
Last year I completed 30 years’ service for the NHS at Tameside General Hospital where I have seen many changes for the better.
I am also a director at Hyde United football club. We have also seen the completion of Hyde swimming pool which should be open to the public by the end of May 2021.
Godley Green has many supporters and many people who object to the greenbelt being built on. If this development goes ahead, it is important that as local councillors we make sure we get the maximum benefit out of this scheme for the people of Hyde and make sure the rest of the greenbelt is protected for generations to come.
Andrea Colbourne (Conservative)
My main concern for the residents of Hyde Godley Ward is the proposed ‘Godley Green Garden Village.’ I have been against these proposals from the start, unlike all three Hyde Godley Labour councillors who have voted to destroy our greenbelt.
I believe your local councillor should be the voice of the community that they represent, acting on your behalf for your priorities. Even though many of us have had to stay at home this past year, I have been active in our community by reporting the potholes, blocked drains/gullies, street lights that don’t work and lots of fly-tipping that you have come to me with.
I would be proud to work for this community and to be a voice for the residents at all times - not just in the run-up to the election.
I am asking you to lend me your vote in this election and together we can make our area a better, cleaner and greener place to live.
John Edge (The Liberal Party)
I have lived in the local area for nearly ten years with my wife. We moved to be in a more rural location and that’s why the protection of the local green belt is of vital importance to me. Its been a hard time for many people of late and I would seek to put into place contingencies on a local level to counter the negative effect any future pandemic situations, as well as attempt to ease the hurt the last one has caused. One thing I was hoping to see from a global emergency was the main parties working together in harmony and not scoring petty political points. This sadly did not emerge. I want to bring people together as individuals and not play a game of division. I want to have the opportunity to help the local community and represent the voice of those who feel under represented. I stood as a candidate at the General Election for that very reason and I hope to be given the opportunity at a local level. I would like to thank everyone that voted for me in the General Election, it was very gratifying to see your support.
Hyde Newton
Mike Baker (Green)
I am now retired and enjoy growing fruit and veg and take regular cycle rides to keep myself fit. I also have plenty of time to devote to councillor duties, should I be elected.
I am standing again as a candidate because I believe Newton needs a genuine alternative to the business as usual, toxic politics of the two main parties.
I am opposed to building on greenbelt and have campaigned for many years against developing green space where brownfield sites are clearly available.
We have so many decaying buildings across the borough that should be converted before allowing greenbelt to be used to create profit at the expense of the environment.
The Green Party is now the third party, according to recent polls, and I was remarkably close to claiming second place last time.
We did win in Ashton and finished above the Conservatives in a third of contested wards, so we know the Greens are electable and capable of winning in Tameside.
If you want Green, vote Green.
Peter Ball Foster (Liberal Democrat)
My name is Peter Ball-Foster. I’ve lived in Newton for the past 20 years with my wife and children who were educated within the area.
I am churchwarden for St Thomas’ Church in Hyde and I’ve been a governor at Oakfield Primary School and a tenant director of New Charter Housing Trust.
The Conservative government cut council budgets which severely impacted services during the pandemic. The Labour council’s answer? Sell off land to private developers, including greenbelt, which has not provided the social housing we desperately need but allowed those developers to make large profits.
For example land on Talbot Road was sold for £83,000 yet 10 houses were built selling at £220,000 each. Could Hyde Library be next as it becomes derelict?
There are many other issues: social care, school infrastructure, roads, fly-tipping, dog fouling … the list goes on. I’d welcome the opportunity to address that list.
Peter Robinson (Labour)
I am honoured to accept the Newton Ward Labour Party’s nomination to stand as their candidate at the May local elections under the banner of Labour and Co-operative candidate.
Newton has and is changing, where we once had industry, we now have new housing estates. The final stage of the former Ashton Brothers site is now under development. I fought long and hard to preserve their office block as the last remaining link with Hyde’s cotton industry.
Looking to the future, we have the best set of new schools in Tameside. The youth and community centre is also now seeing the investment it deserves.
Furthermore Highways England are submitting the planning application for the bypass, ready for a start on construction which should take just over two years to complete weather permitting. This will see a predicted 50 to 70 per cent reduction in traffic, which uses Newton as a rat-run.
My priorities for the coming year are to improve our environment by spring bulb and wild flower planting around the ward, similar to around Newton Station and along Victoria Street and to lobby for more leisure facilities for all ages. Vote Labour and Co-operative on May 6.
Melissa Molloy (Conservative)
My name is Melissa and I am delighted to be the Hyde Newton Conservative candidate for the Conservative Party. It has been a great pleasure interacting with the community and addressing current issues that have arisen during the Covid-19 crisis and from poor council management. I truly believe at this time we have a fantastic opportunity to bring change and a vote for me will ensure Hyde Newton Conservatives will strive to hold the Labour council to account. It is imperative that we protect and campaign against the destruction of our wonderful greenbelt. I will ensure all residents’ concerns and issues are prioritised and tackled head on, whilst holding the council and outside companies accountable for the work carried out in our ward.
On Thursday, May 6, I ask you for your support and your vote, elect me to champion your priorities. On May 6, vote Melissa Molloy and together we can continue to make Hyde Newton a great place to live and work.
Hyde Werneth
Nicola Harrop (Green)
I am a disabled student currently studying Anatomical Science at the University of Manchester.
My family and I have a passion for animals. We helped to foster and re-home a beautiful long-term stray cat and support local animal rescue charities within Tameside.
Good education is vital. I believe school is where our children should be taught about sustainability, climate change and the environment within a structured, science-based curriculum.
I would like to see an increase of community activities for our teenage children, giving them the opportunity to interact in a positive, active and productive way.
Disability and mental health issues are a huge concern. With services for social care being cut and Covid-19 impacting upon the lives of so many, it is important that mental health services are supported across the wider area of Tameside.
We have a Green councillor in Ashton, were a close second in Dukinfield, and challenged the big parties in a third of seats, last time.
We are electable. So, if you want Green, vote Green.
Richard O’Brien (Liberal Democrat)
I have lived and worked in Hyde most of my life and I am proud to call it home, and to be standing for the Liberal Democrats in Hyde Werneth. I am a digital marketing manager, working with Tameside businesses, and have a vested interest in its success.
I know that growth of our local economy is key to new opportunities, and I will always champion Tameside, and fight for strong links with our European partners.
Locally we should be building on brownfield sites to offer more affordable housing. My priorities are keeping our community clean and safe, with more dog waste and gritting bins, improving social care and tackling anti-social behaviour.
I want to stop the blame culture of the two party system. Let’s work together to make real improvements, and show the world just how wonderful Tameside is. As a community we can achieve anything.
Dr Hugh Roderick (Labour)
I believe that being a councillor is first and foremost about being a problem solver for those you represent. I spent a decade delivering development projects in Africa and then several years teaching secondary science, both experiences that have taught me the importance of being innovative and flexible in my approach to problem solving – and the need for persistence. Another key aspect of my previous professions and to the role of councillor, for me, is communication. I will always work to ensure residents have the opportunity to feed into the decision-making process so they can feel engaged with decisions of the council.
As the candidate for Hyde Werneth, my priorities are a regeneration plan for Hyde town centre that brings old buildings, such as the library building on Union Street, back into use.
This will include residential development to take the pressure off green field sites. Building on the recent announcement that bus franchising is on the way, I will also be working for bus services that work for Hyde residents and improved train services to support the increased housing that will be built over the coming years.
Ruth Welsh (Conservative)
The last year has been extremely difficult. Everyone has been impacted in some way by the pandemic and it has thrown many challenges that could never have been foreseen. However, to see the way the community has come together to help each other has been wonderful and the reason I love where I live.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for going the extra mile to help their friends and neighbours and of course all the frontline workers who have worked tirelessly throughout the year. Due to the hard work of everyone and the Government’s vaccine success I feel we have plenty to be optimistic about for 2021 and the years ahead.
I have been councillor for a total of 15 years, I use my experience to help the whole community, from being a trustee of Gee Cross Community Centre and the Croft Millennium Park, to helping the many local groups in their efforts to carry on making Werneth a great place to live, and assisting the hundreds of local residents who contact Cllr Phil Chadwick and I with a wide range of personal issues.
Longdendale, Mossley, Stalybridge South and North candidates can be found here.